A Godly Father Leaves A Godly Legacy

A Godly Father Leaves A Godly Legacy

Proverbs 13:22 (KJV) 

“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children…” – Proverbs 13:22 (KJV) 

Every father will leave a lasting mark on his child/children. Legacy isn’t confined to a will or an inheritance; it’s far more important and substantial than dollars and cents. A dad’s legacy involves the things he passes on to his children and what he gives them in terms of love, support, wisdom, character, and faith. Billy Graham once said that “a good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.”

In the home, a girl’s first true love is her father. Likewise, a dad is his son’s first hero. 

Fathers make a difference when they build God’s kingdom. Attending church and participating in the family of God is one way of leading the family to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness. Demonstrating faith and teaching God’s Word are also important ways of building the Kingdom of God in the home. 

The question is, what will our legacy be? We are living in a time when many young people are leaving the church; the world says you can be anything you want to be; sexuality has become a moral confusion, etc. Fathers, these are places in our children’s lives where God has made straight paths, and the baton of faith can make a handoff through prayer in their personal decisions. This is the goal and the power of a father’s legacy – both the effort made to trust God and what he does through faith. 

Acknowledging God in all your ways is the legacy that God uses to pass the baton of faith straight to the heart of the next generation (Proverbs 3:5-6).

As we celebrate fathers, let’s:

  • Encourage them 
  • Notice the things they do 
  • Honour and respect them 
  • Appreciate and celebrate them 

Fathers, remember the greatest aspect of the “Legacy” you will leave your children and grandchildren is your “Godliness!” As such, impart Godly values that will:

  • Keep them when you are gone 
  • See them through the trials and hardships in life 
  • Sustain them in hard economic times 
  • Strengthen them in sickness and in health 
  • Hold their marriage together 
  • Pick the right mate for life 
  • Raise your grandchildren in righteousness
  • Help secure their place in eternity with Christ

Happy Father’s Day, men.

Read: Psalm 78:4; 2 Timothy 2:2

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 74:10-17; Acts 10:24-48; Acts 11:1-18; I Kings 1; I Kings 2:1-12

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