Humility and Servanthood – Part 1

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” – Philippians 2:3 (NKJV)

What does it mean to be humble? How do we treat each other as believers? Paul’s exhortation regarding love and humility among believers in the book of Philippians speaks to how we should treat each other.  

As a church, we are made up of many parts, and individually, we each have our own ambitions and goals. Sometimes, however, our focus is on advancing our careers or ministries rather than putting the needs of others first. But we should remember we are called to serve humbly, considering others above ourselves (Verse 3)

Moreover, Philippians 2:2 speaks of a deep, abiding love and internal unity among the brethren – one of like-mindedness. This is the unity and humility members of the body of Christ must strive to exude always as we serve in the kingdom of God. 

According to ‘Mind Tools,’ humility is modesty, lacking pretense, and not believing that you are superior to others. For Apostle Paul, humility is the first step to unity. In the flesh, we are often motivated by selfish ambition or conceit. Much of what we do is not done out of love for others but out of our desire for ‘advancement’ or ‘promotion’ (selfish ambition). 

Self-ambition does not honour God, but it must be said that there is a good ambition, which is to glorify God and serve Him. This is where our servanthood rises to the fore. It may not be easy, but as we spend time in God’s presence and in His word, we are transformed into the likeness of our Lord Jesus. 

Spend some time with Him and see the difference in your life.

Read: Proverbs 11:2; Philippians 2:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 80:8-19; Acts 24; 2 Kings 10; 2 Kings 11

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