Women’s Ministries (WM): Celebrating the Win of Impacting Lives; Fulfiling the Great Commission

“This is not an old girls club.” – Minister Hazel Jackman, President of the FAOGW WM.

The Women’s Ministry of the First Assembly of God Wortmanville (FAOGW) church is, in fact, the most vibrant department in the local church after the Sunday School Department. Even in light of this, there are many women who attend the local church and still opt against joining the ministry. WM, as it is commonly referred to, “is not an old girls club,” according to its current President, Minister Hazel Jackman. She expressed that one of the key objectives of this ministry is to equip women for service while harvesting the gifts deposited within each woman, serving the needs of the local church and the community at large.

Minister Jackman explained, “You may know us as the ladies in red and white; we are more than that. We know how to have fun while we focus on building up the spiritual man, ensuring every woman grows in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, making them better wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, and citizens of our beloved country.”

Bishop & Elder Massiah with WM Leadership

Minister Jackman added that one of the easier ways to become involved in ministry is to serve your gift. She noted that there is a rich cross-section of talent available in WM. There are women who are multi-talented and gifted in Culinary Arts, those who manage large accounting firms, and women who operate several businesses while also maintaining homes and serving in active roles in the church.

The current agenda of the Women’s Ministry is to build women’s lives spiritually and academically. The Ministry’s motto, “We Minister as unto Christ,” is the backdrop to which every member stands in service following the dedication of their lives to Christ. According to the articles of the Assembly of God, Guyana, WM is a ministry for women ages thirty and above. However,  the environment of this Ministry is conducive to fostering growth and relationships between the young and older generations. It is not so different from the very first Women’s Ministry recorded in the Bible.

The advent of Women ministering unto God in the Mosaic era was spearheaded by Moses’ sister, Miriam. Miriam’s ministry, though less documented, was no less significant. She played a pivotal role in the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and the subsequent journey through the wilderness. Her ministry is best remembered through her song of triumph after the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. She led the women of Israel in joyful praise, celebrating their deliverance from Egypt. Her song echoed across the wilderness, instilling hope and faith in the hearts of the Israelites marking a significant moment of spiritual renewal. This makes her a catalyst, underscoring the importance of joyful expression in one’s spiritual life. Miriam’s example teaches the significance of using our talents and gifts to glorify God and inspire others. Her ministry stands as a testament to the power of faith and obedience in the face of adversity. 

WM Excursion

The Women’s Ministry of the Assembly of God, Guyana, seeks to encourage women to emulate Miriam’s devotion and commitment to God’s purposes. This is evident through the many testimonies of women who have made efforts to share their experiences and encounters with WM. We met and singled out two young ladies who excitedly relayed their powerful and impactful journeys with WM that are likely to spring any woman into a decision to join the ministry.

Once hesitant but now wholeheartedly committed, Shantѐ Jupiter reflected on her journey with the Women’s Ministry (WM). Shantѐ is one of few girls who have not met the required age to participate in the ministry but is welcomed as one of the daughters of the group. She recalled her first time going to WM; her mind was clouded with misconceptions and doubts. She had believed it was a space reserved for older women, where discussions revolved solely around church and God but what she found was far more profound. As time progressed, she discovered that WM was not about age brackets or religious clichés; rather, it was about personal growth, both spiritually and individually. It fostered an environment where women could explore their faith, confront life’s challenges, and embrace their true selves. Because of this, she felt right at home. Shantѐ’s initial feeling of being an outsider quickly subsided as she found herself being embraced by a community that valued her presence and contributions. She recounted that she finds joy in participating in WM’s activities since they weren’t mundane rituals but vibrant gatherings filled with laughter, learning, and genuine connections.

Sis. Shante Jupiter

Through WM, Shantѐ found solace in knowing she had a safe haven to share her joys and struggles without fear of judgement. Here is where she found encouragement to be her authentic self. She added, “WM means a lot to me. One, being a safe haven, I know for sure I could share with the ladies without fear of judgement on what’s bothering me and what life is throwing my way. I also feel a sense of belonging. Even though I might not be within the age requirement of the group, I definitely feel accepted.”

WM has ignited a passion within Shantѐ to serve others. She found herself eagerly participating in other church programmes, volunteering her time and resources to make a difference in the lives of those she could reach. She is now grateful for the opportunities provided; the friendships forged, and the realisation of her purpose. Shantѐ has now resolved to continue her journey with WM, embracing every moment, every opportunity for growth, and every chance to make a difference.

Sis. Vanessa Ben-Hussain

Vanessa Benn-Hussain, one of the newer members of the Women’s Ministry, experienced a similar yet differently rewarding journey. She vividly recalls the moment she became a part of WM. It was during the Women’s Investment Webinar in 2023 when Minister Hazel Jackman, with her unwavering encouragement, persuaded her to participate in an exhibition under the webinar’s umbrella. Little did Vanessa know that this seemingly small decision would take her on a journey of no return.

Initially, Vanessa’s perception of WM was one of distant admiration. She admired the women clad in red and white on WM day, but she never truly considered joining the ministry herself. However, Minister Hazel’s persuasive words opened her eyes to the possibilities within WM.

As Vanessa immersed herself in WM’s activities, she experienced a shift in her perspective. What once seemed like a distant community now felt like home. The sense of camaraderie and love among the women during her first in-person session left her desiring to be in the presence of these women often. 

“Somehow, I never thought of joining before. Now, I am so happy that I’m a part of this wonderful community of women. I feel at home; I feel seen, heard, and most of all valued. I’m a part of something special, and I regret not joining sooner,” She exclaimed.

The diverse backgrounds and experiences of the women in WM enriched her life in ways she had never imagined. From professionals to housewives to entrepreneurs, each woman brought a unique perspective to the table. Vanessa’s enthusiasm for WM was infectious. Inspired by her positive experiences, she began spreading the word among other churchgoing women, three of whom had already expressed interest in joining. To her, WM means community, sisterhood, growth, and learning, both spiritually and socially.

The benefits of being a part of WM extend beyond just emotional support. Vanessa’s printing business has flourished, thanks to the exposure it gained through the Women’s Investment Webinar exhibition. Grateful for Minister Hazel’s guidance and leadership, Vanessa is now determined “to pay it forward” by encouraging other women to join WM.

The Women’s Ministry’s activities include Fundraisers such as Take-away lunches and weekly canteens after the Sunday service, weekly meetings both in-person and virtual, prayer meetings, visitations, excursions, etc. WM is held every Tuesday in the main Sanctuary from 5PM – 7PM. Virtual sessions are held interchangeably; a link is shared in a group via WhatsApp, where the WM community of approximately one hundred and twenty persons remains connected. This number continues to grow. 

In October 2024, the Women’s Ministry will celebrate the fifth year of hosting a growing and impactful Women’s Investment Webinar, which continues to attract a growing global audience. Over the last four years, this webinar has empowered women to manage finances, invest, and venture into business while securing assets and pursuing the necessary avenues to achieve financial security in the future.

The ministry operates under the leadership of a six-women executive and the continued spiritual guidance and support of the First Lady of the FAOGW church, Elder Hermonica Angela Massiah.

The Women’s Ministry of the First Assembly of God Wortmanville is not just an arm of the church but a vibrant community dedicated to nurturing women’s gifts and serving others. Through its inclusive approach and transformative impact, it continues to inspire women to embrace their faith and talents and fulfil their purpose.

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