The Coats of Joseph

“Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living…”

2 Timothy 2:22 (NLT)

Joseph’s brothers had no understanding of spiritual dreams. Therefore, as Joseph approached them, they banded together and grabbed him, stripping him of his colourful coat. His brothers could not speak to him without becoming resentful and angry. However, the brothers did not hate Joseph because of his luxurious coat but because of his father’s preferential love. His father’s favouritism had aligned them all against him.

The reality is that Jacob’s affections centered upon Joseph because of his purity and true excellence of character (a leader’s template). God loves beauty, but the thing that God loves most is the beauty of good character. Joseph was given the coat because of the character he possessed, which none of his brothers had – they were doing “bad things” (Genesis 37:2 – NLT).

As a slave in Egypt, Joseph received another coat, and he really did get into trouble. Genesis 39:7-21 tells us what happened to Jacob’s second coat. It was left in the hands of Potiphar’s wife as he fled from her lust. Joseph kept losing coats. He was innocent but got blamed for it. His first coat was used to deceive his father, now the second, to deceive Potiphar.

If you and I are to remain righteous, we are going to have to do the same thing Joseph did – flee lust. We must escape the lust that is in the world. God wants to strip away our stained garments and give us new lives. He wants to give us garments of righteousness and holiness that are in perfect accord with His law. 

There is a pattern in Joseph’s life. He was his father’s favourite but ended up in a pit. He prospered in the house of Potiphar but ended up in prison. This, however, was not the end. In Genesis 39:21- 23, we read, “…the Lord was with Joseph”, showing him kindness and making him “…a favourite with the prison warden.” Joseph prospered and was a favourite wherever God placed him.

Joseph continually wore the beautiful garment of righteous character. He fled from the garment of lust and was given a garment of honour. He began receiving coats again. Pharaoh called him to interpret his dreams (Genesis 41) – coats of favour and honour. Proverbs 18:16 (NKJV) teaches, “A man’s gift makes room for him…” Never discount the value of the gift which the Lord has given you!

The time is coming when Jesus will give to you a garment of honour. The heirs of God are not feeble, afflicted, scattered, and oppressed once they put on the garment of righteous character. They will stand before the throne of God clad in richer robes than the most honoured of the earth have ever worn.

Saints of God, it is time to lay down the cross and put on the crown.

Read: Psalm 50:6; Isaiah 61:3

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 89:19-29; Romans 11:11-32; I Chronicles 4:9-43; I Chronicles 5

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