Do Not Worry – Part 2

“I am able to do all things through  Him Who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13 (HCSB)

This Scripture text suggests ‘sufficiency,’ but in context, it means being at peace with “Christ’s sufficiency.” When we are complete in Christ, we know we are with the All-powerful, and nothing can dissuade us. When His all-powerful presence consumes us, we can do all things; it’s the key to a peaceful life.

Jesus often taught about contentment, using parables to address our deeply rooted heart issues. “…Take care, and be on your guard against covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions,” He once said (Luke 12:15 – HCSB)

With this spirit of contentment, you rejoice in the Lord on every occasion, at every moment. You choose life over death (Deuteronomy 30:19), so you will be blessed in all that you do. You are transparent and true with others. You share with them and are aware of your needs to satisfy them and not rise to covetousness.

There is a distinction between your wants and your needs. Desire is what we need. The benefits of all of this are enough to be happy and live a healthy life. The reality is that joy doesn’t come from material things; it’s that sense of satisfaction with what you already have, the value of what God has blessed us with. Be encouraged today.


Dear God and Father, I give You thanks for all You have done and are still doing in my life and for teaching me to have a contented heart. Without You, I am nothing. Thanks for being my God. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Read: Psalm 94:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 90:1-10; Romans 15:14-33; I Chronicles 12:23-40; I Chronicles 13; I Chronicles 14

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