Filled With Joy

Filled With Joy

1 Peter 1:8 (NIV)

“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him…you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy…” – 1 Peter 1:8 (NIV)

Joy! Every person is looking for joy. Companies are aware of this. They tailor their commercials for their products and services to offer joy. If you eat at a particular restaurant, buy a certain dress, drive a selected vehicle, or use a specific body cream, you will accomplish joy. Every advertisement seems to describe full joy to anyone who participates in their products and services.  

Think of it, though: Can man deliver joy? God offers real joy friends, not the superficial ones offered by companies. God wants us to be joy-filled and to experience a deep-embedded joy that only comes from Him (John 15:11). He does not offer momentary joy or a temporary smile. He wants you to have a sturdy sense of hope in your heart and a joy that is so deep-rooted you will be able to weather any adversity in life.  

Peter was referring to this joy in 1 Peter 1:8-9 – unspeakable joy. This joy is available to all believers. In 1 Peter 1, the persecuted Christians were driven from their cities and separated from their families. They had their basic rights, properties, and possessions taken away. Even their entire future seemed lost, yet their joy had not been taken. Why? Read Verse 8 again: “Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him…”. The foundation of their joy was Jesus! No one could have taken Jesus from them; no one could have taken their joy.

What about you? What has been taken from you? Your finances? Your house? Your marriage? Your health? Your career? Your dream? As you gaze at all that was taken from you and buried, is your joy buried, too?   

The joy our Lord is offering is not contingent on or dependent upon the right circumstance. That kind of joy implies that you’ll be happy when or if something in particular occurs. For example, if you get married, you will be happy. If not, you will be disappointed. Or maybe you are married, but you’re disappointed in the relationship. This attitude can perpetuate a roller coaster ride of endless disappointments, leading to a life of bitterness and fear. 

As a believer, you must develop a courageous personality. Courageous joy will build your strength as you set your heart and hope on Jesus alone. He doesn’t disappoint. No one can take Him from you. Likewise, no one can take the joy that comes from Jesus. He is greater than any failure, disappointment, sin, sickness, or betrayal. He did promise us in John 16:22 that “…no one will take away your joy” – (NIV)

Note, brethren, your life will not be sorrow and tribulation-free. But your sorrow will not last forever; “…your grief will turn to joy” (John 16:20 – NIV). We must be joyful believers. Count your blessings one by one, and you will see that joy is possible!


Heavenly Father, we praise and honour You for our many blessings. We are grateful for all you have given us, including our giftings and abilities. Father, we ask that You separate us from what is keeping us from having joy. Change our contingent joy to one of courageous joy. Thank you, Father, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Read: Psalm 27:5; Romans 15:13       
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 91:1-8; I Corinthians 1:18-31; I Corinthians 2:1-5; I Chronicles 19; I Chronicles 20; I Chronicles 21; I Chronicles 22:1

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