The Joy of Belonging to the Lord Jesus

“The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the Lord…” – Joshua 6:17 (NIV)

A clever and wise woman named Rahab saw judgement coming on Jericho and was able to devise an escape plan for herself and her family. As soon as she heard what God had done for the Israelites in times past, she cast her lot with His people, risking her life in an act of faith.

A sealed bargain between Rahab and the Israelite spies was made, and she received a scarlet cord to tie into the window on the side of the house, which was built into the city wall.

Jericho was invaded and conquered, but Rahab and her family were spared, as promised. A prostitute living in the midst of idolatrous people, Rahab was like a brand plucked from the fire. She left everything behind, becoming an ancestor of King David and, therefore, one of Jesus’s ancestors as well.

Rahab’s story is a dramatic one. It shows us that God’s grace accepts no boundaries. The red cord that saved Rahab and her family reminds us of the red blood of Jesus, Who still saves us today, and of Isaiah’s words, “…Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” (Isaiah 1:18 – NIV). Rahab placed her faith in the God of Israel and was not disappointed.

Rahab’s account reveals God’s willingness to use the less-than-perfect, or what we might see as the unsuitable, to accomplish His holy purposes.

Throughout Scripture, God chose what may seem to be imperfectionists to do His will. He chose a stutterer (Moses) to speak for Him, an infertile woman to be the mother of a nation (Sarah), a weakling to defend Him (Gideon), a forgettable youngest son to be the most unforgettable king of His people (David), an unknown youngster to be the mother of His Son (Mary) and a persecutor to take the Gospel to the nations (Paul).

How about you fulfiling your God-given purpose? God doesn’t wait for us to become spotlessly clean or totally mature in our faith in order to use us. Instead, He takes ordinary, willing people and accomplishes the extraordinary in their lives. As He did with Rahab, He desires to do with you.

The joy of Rahab is resounding, as God had given her, an idolater and prostitute, the opportunity to know Him and belong to His people.

Read: Acts 4:13; Hebrews 11:31
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 104:1-18; 2 Corinthians 2:12-17; 2 Corinthians 3:1-6; 2 Chronicles 33:21-25; 2 Chronicles 34; 2 Chronicles 35:1-19

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