They hid themselves from the Lord


Can we really hide from God?

Immanuel means, ‘God with us’. These words have become so familiar that we tend to devalue them. Meditating on the accounts of God in the garden of Eden and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt reveal that God desires to be with His children, all day long. God visited Adam and Eve longing to commune with them. He moved with the Israelites providing ‘a cloud’ by day and a ‘pillar of fire’ by night. This refers to an all-day presence and protection.

There’s no need to doubt the words recorded in Psalm 139:7-18. These words tell clearly tell us that God desires to be with us all day, wherever we go, whatever may be our vocation. Isn’t it heartening to know that in our sleeping and waking, at our work site, as we travel, God is there? This should motivate us to be mindful of God’s presence and endeavor to always bring glory and honour to His Name.

Read: Matthew 18:20; 28:20; John14:16; Revelation 21:3.

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