Judah Celebrates Five Years

“The power of the presence of God does not only work in the church but wherever you are…”

Bishop Dr. M. Raphael Massiah

On December 12, 2021, Judah Assembly of God, an outstation of First Assembly of God Wortmanville, celebrated their fifth anniversary as a church. The event commenced with a welcome by Sis. Akesha Semple, followed by the history of the church, which was given by Min. Karen Haywood.

Bishop Dr. M. Raphael Massiah

Bringing the word was keynote speaker Bishop Dr. M. Raphael Massiah, who was the main celebrant when the building was formally dedicated on December 11, 2016. The focus of the anniversary message was the Power of the Presence of God and was taken from 1 Samuel 7:12.

The Power and Presence of God 

Referencing the story where Israel lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines, Bishop Massiah emphasised that the Ark was symbolic of God’s presence and admonished that we should never lose God’s presence. He further stated, “the presence of God is not manifested in the building but you have to always be in a place where you can attract His presence”

Highlighting the importance of the power of God’s presence, Bishop Massiah postulated that “at the sight of the Ark, Israel was happy because they understood that the presence of the Ark of God meant the presence of prosperity, the presence of blessing, the presence of the glory of God.” Enthusiastically he declared, “wherever the church of God is or any place that represents His presence, the people nearby and the community are blessed.” 

Further, the Bishop stated that “the presence of God does not only work in the church but wherever we are, and as long as we remain in the presence of God we will prosper, grow and develop.” Bishop Massiah, however, cautioned that prosperity can attract envy and that there will always be those who will be upset with your growth and development but you just have to obey God. As he closed, the Bishop charged the congregation to “celebrate not just the concrete and brick but the presence of God because hitherto had the Lord helped us.”

The Increase Comes from God

Before delivering his message, Bishop Massiah had taken time to recognise Pastor Evlyn Gulliver, lead pastor of Judah Assembly of God, whom he described as “the spear used by the Holy Spirit to bring us to where we are today.” Aside from Pastor Gulliver, he also thanked Assistant Pastor Ian Belle, who has worked beside Pastor Gulliver over the years, and everyone in leadership for the excellent work that they have done.

Pastor Evlyn Gulliver

Referencing 1 Corinthians 3:6, Bishop Massiah emphasised that while there was someone who planted and  many were sent to encourage the brethren and keep the fire of God going, there is no one person solely responsible for where the church is. The increase could have only come from God. 

In an invited comment, Pastor Gulliver explained that while this ministry was one she never envisaged, she obeyed God’s call.  She revealed that while leadership can be a lonely experience at times, seeing lives transformed and living with purpose keep her going. She has depended on the Holy Spirit’s guidance at all times. She is also grateful for the mentorship of Bishop Massiah and other Ministers who would have shared their experiences and supported her over the years.

The Humble Beginnings

Judah Assembly of God was started around 2005 by Pastor Raul Williams, who ministered in Corentyne Berbice at Harvest Assembly for about 10 years prior to the establishment of Judah Assembly of God. It started off as a Sunday School and gradually converted to a church. Pastor Williams later felt the need for a covering under the Assembly of God and approached Bishop Massiah with whom he shared his vision. 

Flashback to 2016 Opening Ceremony
L-R: Elder H. Angela Massiah and Pas Wilbert Lee unveiling the commemorative plaque (centre);
Bishop M. Raphael Massiah beams with joy.

In 2007, when Pastor Williams’ family began the process of migrating to another country, a few pastors were asked to assist with the church. In 2008, Pastor Williams permanently left these shores, handing the church over to Dr. M. Raphael Massiah, who continued the work of the Lord. After a period of meeting under a shed on the property owned by one of the members, the current plot of land was acquired and a sanctuary was constructed in 2016.

We thank God for all He has done and all that He will continue to do for Judah Assembly of God as the congregation continues to grow and develop.

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