Our Deliverer

We stand as a witness to His salvation

And can testify among any congregation

Yes! Christ delivered us.

Of the power of His love and redemption.

Born in sin, shaped in iniquity,

Bound in the chains of sexual immorality

Sinking deep going to a lost eternity,

But Christ delivered us. 

 We may have suffered low self-esteem,

impoverished, rejected, marginalised 

And victimised, a black sheep of our families

Crying out to God – “Please help me!”

And Christ delivered us (Isaiah 53:5).

The Christ Child was born to the virgin Mary

God sent Him as a Deliverer for you and me

Christ was ridiculed, spat upon, and whipped for all to see

Yet He bore our pain, shame and sin,

When He was nailed to the tree (Isaiah 7:14).

Let us commemorate and celebrate Jesus and remember whose we are

We have been saved and sanctified by the Bright and Morning Star

He is Christ our Deliverer.

Read: Romans 6: 9 – 14

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