Wait Expectantly

Luke 24:49 – ‘…tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.’(NKJV)

To tarry means to intentionally WAIT for an expected end; to be fully engaged and attuned to the presence of God; to encounter God’s presence for an extended period.

The concepts of tarry, wait, abide, could be illustrated through instructions of the Traffic Lights. Failure to wait on amber would be breaking the law and could cause accidents. An athlete at the Olympics could be disqualified for not waiting for the correct time to start.

The disciples had an encounter with the Holy Spirit as recorded in John 20:22. To receive the promise they had to wait. Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that we can receive strength when we wait, quiet our hearts, meditate, linger in expectation. The disciples were obedient, and in Acts 1:14, we read, ‘These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication….’ This tells us that they prayed together with one mind.

Acts 2:1-4 tells of the promise that was received by the apostles. This miracle ushered in the birth of the Church. The Church was birthed through prayer, and we are reminded in Matthew 21:13 of Jesus’ words.This gift is available to every believer. Effective and efficient ministry hinge on the gift of the Holy Spirit. During this month of prayer and fasting let’s accept the gift, seek a refilling as we rededicate our lives to the service of the Kingdom.

Read: Acts 2:1-4; Matthew 21:13; John 20:22; Isaiah 40:31; Acts 2:17
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 7:1-9; Matthew 7:24-29; Matthew 8:1-22Genesis 19; Genesis 20

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