Seeking God through Fasting and Prayer

Ezra 8:23 ESV – “So we fasted and implored our God for this, and He listened to our entreaty.” 

Sometimes we may not always feel a strong desire for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. Sometimes it is because we may have gnawed too long at the table of the world and the things of the world. Our souls are stuffed with small things, and no room is left for the things of God.

Fasting is a powerful tool for placing everything that entangles us, the depravity and longings of this world, in its proper perspective. It lays a foundation for us and sets a seat at the table of God where we can drink deeply of the wonders and satisfaction found in restored relationship with our heavenly Father. It is through fasting and praying that the Lord reveals to us the place in our heart which needs to be realigned as we look at all God longs to do in us. 

Learning to seek the face of God is the bedrock for experiencing the amazing life Jesus died to give us. We have available to us through Christ all the amazement, greatness, excellences, and satisfaction we can fathom. 

God has granted us grace, mercy, affection, and love. When we follow Him through the path He has made available to us, a door is opened in which we discover all that our heavenly Father longs to give us. May we continue to experience growth in our pursuit of God as we go about our journey this week, as we use various ways we’ve been given to seek His face and His will for our lives. Amen.

Read: Nehemiah 9; Psalm 35:13-14

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 9:1-6; Matthew 10:32-42; Matthew 11:1-15; Genesis 27; Genesis

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