Pray and Seek God’s Face

2 Chronicles 7:14…pray and seek My face..(NKJV)

We all love the account of Jonah’s encounter with God. However, there are some serious lessons for us to learn. God had a specific assignment for Jonah, but he chose to be disobedient. God was determined that the message that was given to Jonah be delivered to the people of Nineveh. An unusual occurrence engineered by God found Jonah in the belly of a great fish. Jonah prayed from that environment. Take note that God can hear you wherever you are and in whatever state you may be in. Jonah 2, paints a beautiful picture of mercy and grace.

God spoke a second time to Jonah and he proceeded to deliver the message. What is the message that you have for our nation and the world? When the king of Nineveh heard God’s message he published a decree that men and animals must not eat or drink. They were to fast, cry out to God, turn from their evil ways, and put away violence. The people obeyed. God heard and did not bring judgment on the land.

Can we believe God for our nation? Will we fast and pray and believe God to turn things around? God has not changed. His words are true. Do 2 Chronicles 7:14 have deep meaning for us today?

Read Jonah 2; 3.

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 10:1-11; Matthew 12:46-50; Matthew 13:1-17; Genesis 34; Genesis 35

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