The Daniel Fast: A Time for Spiritual Renewal and Growth

Fasting is an important attribute of spiritual renewal and development. There are many examples of notable persons who fasted in both the Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible. Moses fasted prior to receiving God’s Commandments, Esther fasted for deliverance of the Jews, and Jesus fasted to triumph over temptation. Fasting in the Bible is associated with seeking God’s wisdom and divine intervention in difficult circumstances, seeking forgiveness of sins, healing and deliverance from illness and oppression. In Matthew Chapter 6, Jesus establishes that every believer is expected to give, pray and fast. According to Dr. Myles Munroe, biblical fasting may be defined as: ‘doing without food for a spiritual goal.’ 

Background of the Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is chronicled in the Holy Bible in the Book of Daniel, and is based on a twenty-one day intentional abstinence from certain foods for spiritual purposes. According to Daniel Chapter 10, Verses 2 and 3, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three full weeks. I didn’t eat any rich food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, and I didn’t put any oil on my body until the three weeks were over,” (HCSB). The Daniel fast is named after the Prophet Daniel, who fasted for twenty-one days for answers to prayers. 

2022 Daniel Fast

Synonymous with previous years, this year the First Assembly of God Wortmanville church hosted the twenty-one day Daniel Fast from January 3 to 23, 2022. Entitled, ‘21 Days First Fruits Fast,’ the purpose of the fast was for, ‘All of God’s promised First Fruit blessings to fall upon our house, family, community, First Assembly, and the nation.’ To this end, our prayers were focused on personal and family concerns, the body of Christ, the community and the nation. 

This year, the book of Nehemiah was studied and some major nuggets included: having a passion and desire to rebuild; the importance of committing to prayer, fasting, hearing from and being guided by God; the value of being completely focused and determined to complete the task at hand; leadership and the need for believers to work together; being aware of internal and external influences; the importance of political and community goodwill; and the significance of not just building, but preserving. 

Prayer Meetings

Throughout the twenty-one day fast, virtual prayer meetings were held from Monday to Saturday, every morning from 5:00 to 6:00 a.m. Nightly virtual prayer meetings were held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and hybrid services on Wednesdays and Fridays. The church service on Sunday was held as usual from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Prayer meetings were facilitated by Pastors of First Assembly of God Wortmanville church and diaspora and included worship, the study of the Word of God and intercession. Morning sessions were held on the Zoom platform, typically with close to four hundred persons in attendance. Evening prayer meetings were streamed live on the First Assembly of God Wortmanville church Facebook page and Youtube platform and averaged between 2300 to 1400 views per evening. With the exception of Sundays, members and friends from Guyana, the Caribbean region, North America, Europe and around the world, faithfully attended and actively participated in prayer meetings twice per day, everyday. Communion was served virtually on Saturdays and on Sundays, through the hybrid method. 

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Sunday Worship Services

Bishop Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah, Presiding Bishop of the First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, ministering at the Sunday Worship service on January 9, 2022, encouraged congregants like the examples in the Book of Nehemiah, to be responsible, committed and build together. On January 16, 2022 reflecting on the biblical account of the woman with the alabaster box and women who ministered to Jesus, as outlined in Luke Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, respectively, Dr. Massiah challenged women to recognise they are valuable and important to God. He assured women that God’s hands had reached down and found them, that the Lord wants them to realise they are valuable and important to Him, and must position themselves to be used by God. Women and men were anointed. 

On Sunday January 23, 2022, in keeping with COVID-19 precautionary measures, a large number of persons gathered at the First Assembly of God Wortmanville church and adjoining buildings, and virtually, to break the twenty-one days Daniel fast. Speaking from Deuteronomy Chapter 16, Bishop Dr. Massiah encouraged attendees and viewers to remember when they were delivered. He declared, “Coming to the house of God, your expiry date can be extended, can be renewed.” Men and families were anointed and then the fast was declared ended.

Testimonies – Drawing Closer to God Through Fasting 

Speaking to congregants after the fast was declared ended on Sunday January 23, 2022, several shared their experiences during the Daniel Fast. Entrepreneur Oliver Pross, who manufactures steel pans, other musical instruments, and accessories, said fasting this year brought him closer to God. He expressed his gratitude to God for the fast, because it provided him with the jump start he required emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The businessman indicated he experienced insight in response to God’s favour in his diligent seeking. He disclosed that throughout the fast, he received specific instructions on effectively managing challenging occurrences in his life. He believes fasting is an important part of the Christian life, and indicated he fasts at various intervals throughout the year.

Kitta Cave, a member of the First Assembly of God La Parfaite Harmonie Outstation and a dancer, stated she had numerous encounters and felt closer to God at this time. Minister Cave added she had already received confirmation of some requests on her prayer list and was patiently awaiting the outcome of other prayer requests, in keeping with God’s plan. She said one of her greatest challenges during fasting was being exposed to unsavoury elements of her environment, such as worldly music. For her, the Daniel Fast presented an opportunity to draw closer to God, sow good seeds and expectantly wait for the harvest. In the future, she plans to maximise other opportunities to fast, pray and wait before the Lord. 

A member of First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, Yonette Rosheuvel, reported during the Daniel Fast, she grew closer to God, found comfort and realised that God is always there, encouraging her and providing strength. She admitted that this was one of the most difficult periods of fasting for her, as she encountered several challenges. Though she did not prepare a prayer list this year, she revealed that during fasting, she always prays for discernment and a closer relationship with the Lord, and to be blessed. Sister Rosheuvel mentioned that she fasts regularly, and not just from food but things she enjoys such as movies. Even though she often has to make adjustments due to medical issues, she does her best to carefully follow the fast guidelines. 

Spiritual and Physical Benefits of the Daniel Fast

Spiritually, the Daniel Fast provides opportunities for a person to draw closer to God, obtain forgiveness of sins, deliverance and healing, divine guidance and intervention in challenging circumstances, and experience supernatural power in ministry. On the other hand, physical benefits of the Daniel Fast incorporate detoxification, improved blood sugar and pressure levels, improves the immune system and overall fitness. 

Foods Consumed During the Daniel Fast

Generally foods to consume during the Daniel Fast include, all fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans and legumes and raw nuts and seeds. Beverages consist of lots of water, coconut water, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, beet roots, hot green tea and lemon water.

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