Celebrate The Resurrection Of Our Lord And Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The tomb is empty! He is no longer there! He is risen! We have an opportunity to live a life of celebration because of our God. He sent His only son to be that one-time sacrifice for all of us. We can now live a life of authority over the devil and his schemes. We can now be the light in a world of darkness and chaos. What a life of privilege and blessing!

The Bible tells us that Christ is now seated on the right-hand side of God, making intercession for you and me. He’s waiting for that day to return and take us back with Him – oh, what a wonderful celebration that would be!

In John 20 we read how Mary Magdalene cried when she saw the tomb empty, thinking it was a trick the authorities had conspired to trick believers. But alas, it was our redemption. It was our celebration. He triumphed over evil. Glory to God!

Reasons to celebrate:

  1. Triumphantly, He has risen from the dead. Therefore, this gives us hope of being in paradise with Him one day (Luke 24:4-7).
  1. We serve a risen Saviour, so let us rejoice and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. As the song writer wrote, “Celebrate Jesus, celebrate. He is risen, He is risen And He reigns forevermore. He is risen; He is risen, Come and celebrate, the resurrection of our Lord” (Matthew: 28:9-10).
  1. Celebrate, for our Saviour Jesus Christ has ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for all of us (Mark 16:19-20).
  1. Christianity is not a religion; it is a living organism. Speak it into being, it is life. The Word of God says, there is life and death in the power of the tongue and as such it is recommended that we should speak life into every dead situation in our lives (Proverbs 18:21).

Read: John 20:1-‬18 (KJV)
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 22:22-31; Mark 3:31-35; Mark 4:1-29; Exodus 23; Exodus 24

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