Your Family is the Best Family

God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land – Psalm 68:6 (NKJV)

The family that you are a part of is the best family for you whether you believe it or not. In the difficult times, you may look at your neighbour and it may appear that things are always going well for them and you wonder why it is not the same for you.  You wonder if things will ever change.  The pasture always looks greener on the other side but in reality it is not necessarily so. Even if your family is experiencing problems at the moment, be thankful because you are in a better position than many other persons. Just think for a second: someone out there could not deal with the pressure any longer and they decided to give up, but you are alive and well. 

No family is perfect, we are all a work in progress, God does not make mistakes, and He caused you to be born into this family for a reason. Whenever you feel overwhelmed think about Job: all his children were killed and disaster struck causing him to lose everything. During that very difficult period in his life, his wife told him to curse God and die, but he was a man of wisdom and chose to look to God who restored him with much more than he previously had.  

Today, stop complaining, stop blaming God for everything that is going wrong. Instead, count your blessings. Once you have life there is hope. Thank God that you have people who love you and you should start giving love in return. The difficulties you are experiencing will eventually be worked out as you pray and ask God for wisdom; just be patient and stay in the process.


Lord today I come to You asking for forgiveness because I have been angry with my family members and have neglected to love them the way I should. I also repent for blaming You for everything that goes wrong in my family. Please help me to have a positive outlook on life knowing that You caused me to be born into the best family and You are working everything out in accordance with Your will for my life, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Read: Job 1; Job 42

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 7:6-20; Luke 2:1-20; Numbers 5:11-31; Numbers 6

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