Isolated for the Fall!

“I am the true vine …Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. 

John 15:1-4

We are about to enter the Spring season. This season speaks of renewal, new growth, better weather conditions, and those who have just been through winter look forward to this time. In the Spring season, we may prune and plant. In this pruning process, we notice that when we remove a branch it dies after a while. It dies because it was removed from its primary food source. It was isolated, and as a result of the isolation, it eventually died. 

The Centre for Disease Control on the issue of ‘Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging’ stated that social isolation and loneliness among older adults are serious public health risks. Fellowship among believers is critical for our well-being both physically and spiritually. When we are isolated, our minds can play games that are magnified by satans’ plan to destroy our purpose. Remaining connected to our spiritual, blood, and adopted family help us grow and develop as the Lord designed. 

When we are alone, we are prime targets for the enemy. However, when we are connected, we can lean on each other for support. Let us not leave anyone behind. Let us look for opportunities to connect with family members in meaningful ways, so we too can live purposeful lives today. 

Think on these things:

In what ways can I stay connected to Jesus and not allow any family member to be isolated?


Father, today, I pray that I will seek every opportunity to surround my family members with love and support. I pray for Your wisdom to seek good always for my family and on my watch none of my family members will be left behind, in Jesus’ name, Amen.   

#Family. #Familyunity. #Familymatters.

Read: Psalm 133:1; Proverbs 6:20; Colossians 3:20
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 35:1-10; Luke 2:21-40; Numbers 7:1-65

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