Share the Love at Home

Behold, for peace I had great bitterness: but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back – Isaiah 38:17 (KJV)

The words ‘we care’ must be written on our hearts rather than on our chests. In order to evangelise we must first love people. It is only genuine love that will motivate us to do the things we do for others and expect nothing in return. However, one cannot love if one does not forgive. Unforgiveness causes us to be somewhat incapacitated and therefore we cannot reach out to others as we should.

After our personal encounter with Jesus Christ, among the first set of persons we share the Good News with are our family members because we are excited about our new-found faith. We want them to experience the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Many times, however, we cannot face them because the sad reality is: our family members are the ones who would have contributed to the hurts and pains we experience deep within. Abuse and neglect would have been meted out to us by close relatives. 

However, even if you are dealing with these hindrances, while in the process, reflect on the story of our Lord Jesus Christ. He died on the cross so that we can be forgiven and experience eternal life. He was treated worse than a criminal, they mocked Him, spat upon Him, put nails in His hands and feet, and a crown of thorns was placed on His head. A Man Who knew no sin died for all sinners. He endured the worst. 

Today, love yourself enough to decide that you do not want to be stagnated in your Christian walk any longer. Allow the Lord to touch your heart, submit yourself to God and a counsellor to receive inner healing. God has already forgiven you, and therefore you need to extend forgiveness to others. Do not let another family member die in sin because you refused to be in their company due to past hurts, even as you know the Holy Spirit quickened you to visit them in the hospital, and they also sent several messages to you. Today, choose to respond.

Stop being a victim, rather be a victor and begin to demonstrate care and compassion for others, especially your family. Go forth in the power of the Holy Ghost and be a witness for Jesus in your sphere of influence, your Jerusalem. Be on a quest to make sure, “your whole family is saved and walking with God”.

Read: John 13:35; Ephesians 2:10; Ezekiel 3:18-19; Proverbs 11:30

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 44:13-26; Luke 14:15-35; Deuteronomy 16:21-22; Deuteronomy 17; Deuteronomy 18

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