Do you Love Jesus?

“If you love Me, keep My commandments.”

John 14:15 (NKJV)

Jesus was a fantastic leader who mentored a group of men with varying personalities. It is amazing how He related to Peter during many of his spontaneous responses. Jesus displayed restraint, patience, and unconditional love. To the human mind, there would have been a ‘game over’ call many times.

After Jesus’ resurrection, He appeared to His disciples at different locations. One such meeting was on a beach. This account always touches me deeply. It demonstrates Jesus’ love in words after He demonstrated it on the cross.

In John 21 we see Jesus teaching that we must be strategic in all that we do in the Kingdom of God, even evangelism. His approach contained no form of rebuke. It was just one filled with mercy, forgiveness, goodness, and peace. Peter’s encounter with Jesus shows us that it is difficult for anyone to divert the purpose of God for our lives.

Could we answer these questions?

  1. What does Jesus mean to you?
  2. What did His death on the cross do for you?
  3. What does His resurrection give to you?
  4. Do you have enough reasons to love Jesus?

Jesus said these words to Peter three times: “Do you love me?” The foundation of all that we do for the Lord must be love, AGAPE love. Peter assured Jesus that he did love him. Jesus then said, “Feed My lambs,” “Tend My sheep,” “Feed My sheep.”

Peter did not answer an altar call. Jesus did not ask if he loved helping people with problems if he loved studying and reading God’s Word. NO! His questions were based purely on his love for Jesus. Peter then got his second command: Jesus said, ‘Follow Me.’ Today we are given the same call. 

Every believer should be involved in evangelism. Loving Jesus because He has forgiven our sins should be the driving force that pushes us to love our neighbours.


‘Is there anybody here who loves my Jesus?

Anybody here who loves my Lord?

Do you love Him enough to tell somebody?

Do you love Him enough to tell your friend?’

God’s Word tells us how to love. The Holy Spirit continues to be that gentle dove. Jesus demonstrated how to disciple in the account of John 21. Read, meditate, and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Demonstrate your LOVE!

Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3; Galatians 2:20; John 21: 15-17

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 51:1-9; Luke 22:63-71; Luke 23:1-25; Joshua 8; Joshua 9:1-15

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