Water is Life

Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all filthiness and from all your idols.

Ezekiel 36:25 (NKJV)

Water is the indispensable element of physical and spiritual life. On planet Earth, the only planet that has been reported as having life, there is a need for water for humans, animals, and plants every day. We have also learnt that we can survive for a long period without food, but not without water.

From our key verse, we learn that water cleanses from all filthiness, and in Ephesians 5:26 it says, “that He might sanctify and cleanse her (the church) with the washing of water by the Word.” The Word of God is referred to as having the properties of water. Before our encounter with Christ, we were filthy and needed to be sanctified. The reading and meditation of the Word of God have the ability to do deep cleansing. One’s mind is the main area that needs cleansing. The dirty and unwholesome thoughts that direct us to commit wicked and unholy acts stem from the mind. 

Psalm 42: 1-2 gives a reason for our need for God and His Word. Have you ever observed an animal panting for water? The writer of this Psalm says his soul thirsts for God in a similar manner. Do you know that your soul is made up of your Mind, Will and Emotions? Psalm 23: 2-3 reminds us that still waters can restore the soul. If we hunger and thirst for righteousness we can be filled and become blessed – Matthew 5:6.

We established that water is essential to our daily physical existence. Can you say how many times in one day we use water? What can we deduct from this about the frequency of the need for the Word of God to be applied to our daily lives? We need the Word for the cleansing of our minds, sanctification, restoration, and growth in Christ. We need the Word to survive. READ IT EVERY DAY.

Read: Psalm 42:1-2; 23:2-3; Psalm 46:10; Matthew 5:6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 65; John 12:12-36; 1 Samuel 8; 1 Samuel 9; 1 Samuel 10:1-8

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