Growing in Grace – Part 1

You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:17-18

What is the “this” referred to in verse 17 which we know beforehand?

As Kingdom citizens, we know several things. First of all, we know that Jesus is Lord. We know that there are people who will doubt this fact. We know that they will say that we are waiting in vain for the impossible. To them, it may seem that way, but we know that we serve a God Who specialises in the impossible. El Shaddai is His Name.

We also know that a day of judgement is coming for the ungodly as well as the godly. We even know that time, as humans count time, is not an issue with our God.

We know that God keeps all of His promises, and that He wants no one to perish in the judgement. He would love it if everyone, everywhere would repent – 2 Peter 3:9.

Further, we know that The Day of the Lord, when Jesus would come again, is not a planned date. It will happen suddenly, unexpectedly, when everything which presently exists, will be consumed – Acts 1:11

In addition,  there will be a new heaven and a new earth whose foundation will be
righteousness – Revelation 21:1. Therefore, we should be working diligently to be found in that day without spot, blameless, and in peace.

Finally, we know that some of these mysteries are too hard for the carnal mind to understand and accept, so some people try to  twist the truth so that it becomes a lie to satisfy their own foolishness – Romans 8:6-7.

We, however, should hold fast to these factual, spiritual truths so that we are not led astray. We should grow, develop, and move from stage to stage in two areas: Grace and Knowledge.


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for saving us by Your grace. Thank You for keeping us away from the error of wicked ways. Please help us to continue to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Read: Philippians 2:11; Luke 1:372 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Peter 3:7-9

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 66:13-20; John 13:18-38; 1 Samuel 13; 1 Samuel 14:1-23

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