Spend Time in Prayer

Spend Tine in Prayer

Luke 2:52 (NIV)

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Luke 2:52 (NIV)

The soil provides nutrients for the growth of the plant. The human body absorbs nutrients through the stomach and intestines to promote growth.  Physical growth is a result of the intake of sufficient amounts of needed foods for every living thing. Conversely, when the required nutrients are deficient in both plants and humans, signs of deficiency become evident and will lead to stunted growth and development.

Just like our natural bodies need natural food to develop and be strong, the spirit needs to be fed spiritual food for us to grow spiritually. Jesus grew spiritually because He chose to spend time in prayer and communion with God. He fasted and prayed and was then led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Several times leading up to His trial and crucifixion He went away alone to pray.

“So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed” – Luke 5:16. He urged His disciples to pray so that they could resist temptation. After an occasion of private time in His Father’s presence, Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray – Luke 11:1-4. 

And before choosing His disciples, Jesus prayed – Luke 6:12-13. He also prayed that God would keep them (His disciples) – John 17.

As children of God, we too need to dedicate time in prayer; to spend in the presence of God. Our physical growth is dependent on the intake of the right types and quantities of nourishing foods. Likewise, our spiritual growth depends on our time with God and His Word. There is no shortcut to growing in Christ. 

Daily prayer, reading and meditating on the Word of God, and fellowship with other believers are the essentials for growing and becoming stronger in Christ. Growth in Christ helps us to resist temptation and overcome evil. Jesus was the Son of God and He saw the need to pray. So must we.

Pray earnestly that God would strengthen your desire to spend time in His presence and in His Word, as you nourish your spirit.

Read: Luke 5:16; Luke 6:12-16

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 68:7-14; John 17:6-26; 1 Samuel 19; 1 Samuel 20

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