Sensuality vs Sensitivity

So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.

Ephesians 4:17, ‬19 (NIV)

Are you sensual? Being sensual means that you are triggered by your physical senses and desires. Let us recall that we have five senses: seeing, tasting, hearing,  smelling, touching. These senses form and direct our feelings and responses. For example, when we take a little bite of something delicious, our sense of taste triggers a feeling of great enjoyment that we want to eat more. When we hear unpleasant things on the news, our sense of hearing triggers unpleasant emotions in our brain that cause us to get upset and even turn it off. So, we see our five senses play a great role in our sensuality.

Now, let’s address our sensitivity. Sensitivity speaks of being capable of responding to some stimuli. This can be linked to our five senses, but it can also be linked to our conscience (or inner being) and the Holy Spirit. Being sensitive also means to be delicately aware of the attitudes and feelings of others, including the Holy Spirit.

We must understand that it is better to be sensitive than sensual. It is better to be in touch with our inner being and the Holy Spirit because moving by feelings can be quite dangerous, since our feelings can be unreliable.

For instance, we may feel like eating a few pieces of fried chicken riddle with high calorie sauce, but our conscience tells us this is not healthy eating, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that our body is His temple. We may hear ugly gossip about us and are tempted to respond with a few ugly words of displeasure, but the Holy Spirit stirs us to react differently. What then do we do? Do we operate by the impulse of our feelings, being sensual, or do we make the decision in keeping with the Holy Spirit as He ministers to our inner being?

It is therefore important for us to know and understand that our feelings/ five senses/ sensuality cannot always be trusted,  but being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and operating according to His nudging are most reliable!

Growing in Christ requires that we put feelings on the back burner, take notice of our conscience, and give priority to the nudging of the Holy Spirit! 


Heavenly Father, many times I allow my feelings to get the best of me and allow them to direct me when You require differently. Please forgive me and help me to grow day by day by, being sensitive and obedient to your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  

Read: Galatians 5:16-18; Ephesians 4:17-32

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 68:21-27; John 19:1-27; 1 Samuel 26; 1 Samuel 27; 1 Samuel 28

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