Children’s Church Celebrates 33 Years in Ministry

―Nehemiah’s rebuilding exercise spotlighted

Georgetown, Guyana, Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May 21, 2022, Sunday Service turned into one where the children of the assembly took the lead in the programme as First Assembly of God Church observed another anniversary for the Children’s Church department. This department can boast of 33 fruitful years in ministry this year celebrated under the theme “Let the Construction Begin”.

Bishop Dr. M. Raphael Massiah

The children’s participation in this one-day event varied from Scripture readings and memory verses to piano and singing renditions to sermonettes delivered by four brave and talented girls from different parts of the fellowship. The highlight of the programme was definitely the sermonettes, which focused on different aspects of the rebuilding story captured in Nehemiah Chapter two.

Annabelle Paruag, who resides in the United States of America, started with her presentation, which was encapsulated in a few simple words, “when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up to Jesus.” She examined the beginning of Nehemiah’s story and how he felt when he heard of Jerusalem’s ruins and noted that he depended solely on his faith in the Lord to be engaged in rebuilding the city’s walls. She then summarised how this applies to today’s world and the church.

A good leader takes the responsibility to see the project through to the end with proper planning…..instead of complaining” – Sis Makala Williams. 

Her message was followed by one from ten-year-old Makala Williams. She explained that the church has a responsibility to uphold in the rebuilding process, and it must be taken seriously to achieve the God-given goal. As a congregant of the Barnwell North/Prosperity Outstation, she boldly declared that she brings the construction strategy, which she also considered the mandate for our life. “A good leader takes the responsibility to see the project through to the end with proper planning and taking action instead of complaining,” she posited.

Nikacie Rose

Nikacie Rose of the Parfaite Harmonie Outstation spoke of the importance of rebuilding the wall, specifically for the family. She declared that if the walls of the family are intact, it will provide love, a safe space, discipline and nurturing, among other benefits. Also, once the walls of the family are rebuilt, the walls of the community and the nation will automatically be rebuilt as families are the bedrock of society. “Without these walls, the enemy can come in and bring destruction,” asserted the young preacher.

Jessica Kennedy

To close the series of Sermonettes, Jessica Kennedy of FAOG-Wortmanville shone a light on the fact that Nehemiah did not advance towards the task in his own strength but in that of the God he believed in. “This shows that we must continually prepare ourselves to be used by God, especially when we ask for his intervention. We must trust that God sends hope and divine guidance at the right time, all for his glory.” She concluded by saying that this blessing becomes a testimony to others, eventually encouraging them to rebuild as well.

First Lady of the Assembly Elder H. Angela Massiah, the keynote speaker, then addressed the congregants. Elder Massiah, who is also one of the founder members of the Children’s Church, reflected on the divinity of the department’s conception. She highlighted that the idea of ‘children’s church’ was birthed on a Saturday afternoon during a Sunday School Teacher’s Conference. She recalled that the presence of the Lord was evident; the floor of the sanctuary on which they assembled became holy ground.

Elder H. Angela Massiah

She added, “it was in this atmosphere that I boldly announced what God had deposited in my spirit. The Superintendent acknowledged it, and the conference endorsed it. Planning and preparation thereafter saw the establishment of the Children’s Church department, and 33 years later, we have gathered for this phenomenal celebration, and for this, we give God praise and thanks.”

To this end, Elder Massiah spent time fondly teaching from the book of Nehemiah. She started by pointing out that the enemy of the souls of mankind is after children, so Children’s Church was primarily set up to harness the next generation. Nehemiah Chapter two, verse 18, was expounded upon with her emphasising that God is calling us to be gatekeepers.

Among Nehemiah’s first tasks was rebuilding gates and assigning keepers in a specific order, starting with placing God as a priority in the rebuilding process. Other gates include trade, tourism, and restoration, to name a few. Elder Massiah also did not fail to mention Nehemiah’s commitment to prayer and encouraged those present to adopt a similar posture.

We need stabilising forces in our home and society to repair those broken down structures” – Elder Angela Massiah.

She stated her desire for the same cooperative spirit, which was present on the day of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, to be among us today as everyone needs to be involved. Essentially, the charge was that “we need stabilising forces in our home and society to repair those broken down structures…we have to be watchmen!” Therefore, she beckoned to all who heard her, “let us rise up and build….”

Elder Massiah closed by stating that if we are to win our children for God’s kingdom, we must heed the old African proverb that says, ‘it takes a village to raise a child.” 

Indeed we must all play a part in raising our children.

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