The Desires of Your Heart

Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. –  Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

Does God really give you the desires of your heart? 

Many times, as a young believer, I heard this verse repeatedly; sometimes in relation to getting a spouse, getting a baby, or getting a particular job or career. However, as I study God’s Word and get to know Him more, I realise that this verse is not what most think it is. 

We have preferences. When a new phone is released by various technological companies, many people with perfectly good working phones rush to join absurdly long lines just to be able to get the next updated phone.  

You may be a television series fan and when a new season is added, you can hardly wait to get home in the evenings to begin binge-watching. There are others who long to be noticed.  Some long to be loved by their parents, children, and spouses.  Others may be waiting for a letter of acceptance to a scholarship, university, or job. 

The desires of the heart are distinctive to everyone. What I desire may not be what you desire and long for. Nevertheless, have you noticed yet?  Have you noticed what all the different desires mentioned above have in common?  Simply put, all those desires are earthly. 

We want to be financially stable; we want to acquire assets so that our children don’t have to work as hard as we did.  We want to be rich so that we can retire at age thirty. Nothing is wrong with any of those desires, they are all good and natural. However, if we do what the Scripture tells us to do literally – to delight ourselves in the Lord – I am positive we will have a change of heart and mindset. 

God is an eternal God; He doesn’t dwell on any of the earthly possessions that we have.  It doesn’t mean that God is not concerned about our prayer requests for earthly possessions.  No, of course not but if we find true rest and contentment in God, our thoughts, desires and wants will start to align with His.

The Bible says “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” – Mark 8:36. Would you not delight in God’s Word and promises, and be content with all that He provides? Whether we realise it or not, God is always taking care of us; in every situation, every crisis. He has provided everything that we need and will need in the future.


Heavenly Father, forgive us for thinking we can do it all on our own. Lord, take my heart, keep it pure.  Save me in spite of myself, my weak self. Father God, mold me, fashion me, raise me into a pure and holy person.  May Your love continue to flow through me.   May I shine Your light brightly for the world. May my desires be aligned with Your Kingdom. This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Read: 1 Chronicles 29:18; Proverbs 3:5-6
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 78:9-16; Acts 17:1-21; I Kings 16:8-34; I Kings 17; I Kings 18:1-15

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