Seek First God’s Kingdom

Seek First God’s Kingdom

Matthew 6:33- KJV

But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33 – KJV)

In the Bible, Matthew 6:25-33 centers on worldly concerns like worry or anxiety and temptations most of us face. Jesus, Who is far more trustworthy than man, encourages us through Matthew 6:33 and other Bible verses to keep an eternal perspective even as we cross each day off our calendars. We are called to refuse worry and anxiety. Instead, we seek first the Kingdom of God. Please note that God wraps up this passage with a promise: When we seek Him first, we can trust Him to give us exactly what we need. 

When in crisis, people seek the intervention of men for a financial bail-out, advice, medical services, encouragement, and so forth. Others may visit tarot readers, spiritualists, séances, and other such satanic emissaries of the kingdom of darkness for advice on their future in the face of the crisis, at the expense of their souls. The Scripture is clear, seek first the Kingdom of God. Be obedient. Do not let the crisis confound or confuse you. Stand on God’s Word and ALL THESE THINGS will be added to you.


Heavenly Father we humbly seek Your divine intervention for the crisis that is seemingly overwhelming our ability to survive. Every way we turn there is a blockade that impedes our progress but You God can make a way where there seems to be no other way. 

But Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we sent forth the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy every demonic structure, network and system set as a barrier to prevent Your people from prospering in whatever areas they are trusting You for. We declare we will seek You first as we dispel the forces of darkness that seek to cause division, confusion, and consequent destruction in our families and among the family of God in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen!

 Read: Isaiah 43:16-19; Matthew 6: 25-33

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 78:17-31; Acts 17:22-34; Acts 18:1-8; I Kings 18:16-46; I Kings 19

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