Demonic Cultural Religious Practices

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect – Romans 12:2 (SLT)

In Guyana, the origins of the continuity of generational practices and beliefs among the Afro and Indo populace can be traced from their arrivals in 1780 -1813 and 1838 -1926, respectively. Both African slaves and East Indian Indentured Laborers brought with them their religious culture, gods, customs, and so forth. 

Thus, some ceremonies offer rituals of ceremonial offerings, tributes and prayers to ancestors. It also includes the pouring out of alcoholic spirits (white rum and different symbolic liquids) as an offering to the deities for their blessings, protection, and guidance; or as thanksgiving for safe passage in the affairs of men. The kind of spirits used is significant to the ritual which seeks to invoke the spirits or communicate with them. This occult practice results in demon possession.

Research has also revealed that some religions have about 330 million gods and goddesses. And some of these gods and goddesses are responsible for death, sex and violence; basically giving satan legal rights to have dominion over families and by extension, citizens. These are beliefs and practices that can only be nullified by the blood of Jesus Christ. 

Other religions evoke a different kind of Spiritualism for healing, protection and prosperity. It must be stated, however, that there’s only one Man who can heal, protect and offer prosperity – Jesus Christ. Try Him today. He also guarantees eternal life.


Jehovah Rapha, in the name of Jesus we call on Your name today for healing. We confess that we can be indoctrinated by the doctrines of devils thereby opening portals of demonic infiltration in our lives. Lord, we realise that this may result in generational curses in our lives and that of our family members. 

So Lord, we accept your gift of salvation in John 3:16 KJV, and cancel every demonic covenant made by our ancestors and ask that we be transformed by the renewal of our minds. Help us to unlearn the belief systems of any diabolical practices and dismantle every idea that is unlike You. Everything that will attract the presence of evil. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

 Read: Matthew 12:26-33; 1 Timothy 4:1-3

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 80:8-19; Acts 24; 2 Kings 10; 2 Kings 11

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