Be an Encourager

1Thessalonians 1:2-4 (NKJV)

“We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labour of love, and patience…” 

1Thessalonians 1:2-4 (NKJV)

Paul the apostle was a great encourager. The New Testament epistles are replete with examples of his encouragement to the churches, from his letters to the church in Rome, to the church at Thessalonica.  The letters from Paul to the various churches began with a greeting and an expression of gratitude to God for them, for their faithfulness and love. He was sincere in his expressions of love and care for them. The church at Philippi, for example, was given much praise not only for their fellowship but also for the tangible contributions they willingly made in advancing the Good News of salvation.

This is how his relationships with the various churches were developed and sustained. Paul demonstrated through his letters to them, his love and concern for their spiritual and physical well-being and even spoke of how often he remembered them in prayer. When difficulties arose among the brethren and his rebuke was required, it must have been taken well because good relationships were already established between them.

The same applies to us at this time. We are in need of encouragers in our homes, our schools, our workplaces, and even our neighbourhoods. Things are not always aligned even among the best of family and friends but if relationships are good, if we learn to consistently demonstrate justice and fairness, and show love one for the other, even sharp rebukes can be tolerated. Children, in particular, must be able to benefit from loving rebuke and correction instead of unreasonable demands or humiliating behaviour from parents so that they do not become resentful. In this way, healthy and respectful relationships are maintained within the family. 

Persons are encouraged to do what is right and good and to value relationships if they witness a consistent pattern of honesty, truth, and fairness in the attitude of those around them. Let us strive to build strong and lasting relationships through the encouragement we give to others.


Lord, we give praise to You. Thank You for delivering us from the evil of toxic relationships. Help us to promote and protect healthy and strong alliances through our encouragement and support for people around us. Help us to see and maximise the virtues in others and intentionally overcome evil with good. Give us a heart of compassion for those who might be weaker in the flesh and cause us to extend patience and understanding as they grow in grace and the knowledge of You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Ephesians 1: 1-5; Philippians 1: 1-6; Galatians 1: 1- 5; Colossians 1: 2-4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 103:1-12; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; 2 Chronicles 26; 2 Chronicles 27; 2 Chronicles 28  

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