Seek Intercessory Intervention – Part 2

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”

Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

This writer, in his Christian life, has not only interceded but always sought after and received the prayers of intercessors before, during, and after many ‘battles’. Prayers were made for breaking ancestral curses of sexual immorality, acquisition of properties, modes of transportation, family unity, etc. Moreover, I have experienced God’s destruction of demonic structures and systems in the working environment which enabled me to climb the rungs of corporate management. I have seen prayers and the prayers of the intercessors destroy the lies of the enemy attempting to hinder me.

Brethren, sometimes in our Christian walk we make choices that may cause us to stumble and fall and our faith may fail; but know this, we can use our intercessory capital to purchase seasons of mercy.  Just bring God’s sacrifices of your broken heart and a contrite spirit and He will heal and deliver you from the claws of the enemy. (Psalm 51:17 – NIV).

We need the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit and the authoritative power of intercessory prayer to navigate new beginnings in the pursuit of God’s purpose for our lives. Prayer is one of the most heavenly and spiritual functions of my Spirit life. Andrew Murray, in his book, “The Ministry of Intercession”, stated, “God is still seeking men and women who will, in addition to all their other work of ministering, especially give themselves to preserving prayer”. This is a clarion call for all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to unite in praying to God, that He would visit our souls and fit us for that work of intercession, which is urgently required to enable the church to conquer the world. 

Murray declared, “It is prayer which is the link between the King on the throne and the Church at His footstool – the human link that has its Divine strength in the power of the Holy Spirit, who comes to answer it”. So let us avail ourselves for the Holy Spirit to be magnified in our lives today.


Heavenly Father, we acknowledged that prayer was and still is the appointed means for drawing down heavenly blessings on ourselves and those around us and it matters not our ministry, wealth acquisition, or social status. As such, Father, we humbly approach Your throne on our knees beseeching Your divine intervention in our lives. 

Lord, we pray Your transformative power works in and through us for Your honour and glory, and ultimately the advancement of your Kingdom on this earth. Let us not be consumed by our own desires but give us a heart of love and compassion for all sinners, the poor, powerless, oppressed, depressed, possessed, and dispossessed; who are in need of a Saviour. We ask all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Read: Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 59:16; Matthew 26:41Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 107:1-9; 2 Corinthians 12:11-21; Isaiah 29; Isaiah 30:1-18


  1. Sandra Arjoon

    Amen Hallelujah

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