Destroying the Spirit of Stagnation

“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the Lord…” – Isaiah 54:17 (NIV)

It matters not what weapon is prepared against us by the enemy; once we rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus, it will not prosper. God will vindicate us. He has given us the right to His blessings which include protection, provision, promotion, peace, prosperity, healing, deliverance, wisdom, and many more benefits.

Denis Waitley, American motivational speaker, writer, and consultant stated, “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them”. Cindy Trim, who wrote, “The Rules of Engagement for Overcoming Your Past” stated, “The difference between a successful person and a failure…is that one has the courage to act on his or her ideas, convictions, and beliefs…and the other does not”.

There are two ways in life that cause us to be stagnated in our ministry, career, and academic pursuits. One, is when we procrastinate, that is, having a fear of or dreading the possibilities of failure in the ventures we are embarking on. A second consideration is that stagnation may not be a result of procrastination but instead, it may have its roots in a generational curse. 

Once a curse is in operation in the believer’s life, the devil and his cohorts have the freedom to institute a demonic spiritual blockade, that has been demonically structured and laced with bureaucratic systems designed to frustrate, hinder, delay and ultimately deny saints from achieving what God has intended for their lives. Thus, we need to initiate spiritual warfare, but first, there is a need to do spiritual mapping to ascertain the source of the curse and ask God for divine strategies to destroy this spirit of stagnation as a principality in our lives.

Jamie Buckingham, dealing with the question of fear, wrote, “There are a number of things which keep us in the barnyard of infant Christianity when God’s highest purpose is for us to grow to flying maturity. It may be that we are unwilling to run the risk of failure, while others are afraid to leave the barnyard for the rugged life of faith. But anything worth having has its price”. Brethren, wherever faith is present, fear dissipates.

As we step out in faith, we need to be rid of the spirit of fear which breeds stagnation. 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) states, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”.


Heavenly Father, we decree and declare that every demonic covenant and the corresponding curse, spell, and enchantment released into our lives and destiny causing us stagnation and setback in any area of our lives, be averted by the blood of Jesus Christ.

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