Minister Lemar Williams was appointed Pastoral Intern in March 2022. He has been a member of First Assembly of God Wortmanville Church for more than ten years. As he understudies various pastors, he is assigned various tasks to assist in his pastoral development, including leading and interceding at online prayer meetings,  research assignments, being a panelist on the church’s online and television Choices programmes, etc. Pastoral Intern Lemar currently serves in the Youth Ministry and the Maintenance departments of the church.

He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and is now pursuing a Legal Education Certificate. Intern Williams also holds certifications in Electrical Wiring & Installation and Information Technology.

Reading, sports, particularly athletics, football and chess, are Pastoral Intern Lemar’s pastimes. He also finds travel comforting.

Proverbs 15:22 is a constant source of inspiration for Pastoral Intern Lemar Williams. “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: But in the multitude of counsellors, they are established.”

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