This Time I Will Do It Better

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;  behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

A famous Gospel songwriter wrote, “You make all things new, and I will follow you forward”.

The parable of the prodigal son tells us about two sons, the younger of the two prematurely received (by asking) his share of his father’s estate. He then travelled to a distant country where he squandered it foolishly. Later, a famine came and since he had nothing remaining, he found a job feeding pigs. It was in that moment of carrying out the task he realised that in his father’s house he was treated well and as such the lost son returned home. His father was overjoyed with his return. 

Sometimes we seek our heavenly Father and make petitions to Him. And there are times when we receive immediate answers but at times it is delayed. Either way, are you prepared to pilot what you asked for? Like the prodigal son, it is one thing to ask and receive and another to ask, receive, and mismanage. Every time we pray, we are asking God to take us deeper into new realms, to ensure our body remains healthy to serve Him diligently and not squander our opportunities. 

When we choose to give our life to Christ we must realise that the rewards of this world are chaotic, temporary, and destructive. God is ready to accept us with outstretched arms. He then clothes us with unconditional love; never reminding us of our past, but commanding us to stay away from fleshly desires and allow our souls to prosper. Jesus makes us new and well. The Holy Spirit empowers us to navigate unfamiliar circumstances and situations to make us well.

Let us navigate well and not misuse our opportunity and waste the very thing we asked for. Do it better this time!

Read: 1 Samuel 15:22; Psalm 118:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:121-128; Philemon 1; Lamentations 2:7-22; Lamentations 3:1-39

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