WIW Night Two – Discover Your Full Potential

The Women’s Investment Webinar (WIW) continued with exhilarating interactions on a platform where women can glean from other women striving in the world of business and successful professional careers. Relative to the previous night, the second night had a more diverse group of panellists, each of whom shared their own gifts and talents and how they were developed and used throughout their lives.

Night two’s practical discussion on discovering one’s potential was fitting following an impactful two-hour workshop held on Saturday morning. The workshop zeroed in on all one would need to know to start a business while it re-established the desire in those with existing businesses to expand and/or implement new strategies for potential growth.

This workshop discussion was moderated by Minister Aiesha Williams and facilitated by Minister Sharlene Roberts, who is an entrepreneur and owner of Nysha’s Homemade Ice-Cream. Minister Roberts provided valuable tips and necessary advice to aspiring successful business moguls in attendance. This workshop set the tone for the evening session, where there was a correlation between the Word of God and the professional advice of women who are equipped and capable of guiding the next career woman or businesswoman. 

Speakers in the Saturday night discussion were Minister Vanessa Thompson, a project manager; Elder Deborah Hutson, a qualified teacher and education officer; Deaconess Karen Assanah, a banker; and Minister Denise Pearson, a finance/administrative director in the oil and gas sector.

Nurturing the Talent

Each woman started by sharing their talents and what is unique to them; they then testified about how they overcame challenges to discover the treasure hidden within each of them.

In addressing the question, “Why would any woman look at themselves and think that they don’t have what it takes to succeed in business or a career,” Minister Thompson pointed to a lack of validation, the inability of parents and significant others to identify and support the development of gifts and talents and discouragement to pursue and develop these gifts.

The other women on the panel said this could be countered in different ways. Minister Pearson said managing the demands of life is one effective way of finding and preserving the gift God has placed on you. “Caution about those little foxes that eat away at our time.”

She also advised that women rid themselves of negative influences as these will bury their gifts. This would require “a conscious effort to change the environment and company you’ve grown comfortable with and plant yourself in a new environment that thrives.”

Minister Thompson commented, “every woman has been blessed with gifts. Pay careful attention to the things you are interested in, the things you are passionate about, and the things you do well that make you different from others. Some gifts and talents lead us to the office, while others lead us to places like the kitchen, the farm, or the workshop.”

She also emphasised the importance of accessing training and education to improve knowledge and skills and develop and support your gift to give yourself an edge over competitors. “It’s never too late to start developing your gifts and talents,” encouraged Minister Thompson.

Elder Hutson testified that she had to place pride aside and submit to what was required for the perfection of her gift. A trained teacher for over 25 years, she never stopped learning and boasted of an excellent support system with faith and belief in God at its core. 

Some would look at these four powerful and successful women and assume they have it made. In fact, even though they have achieved success, there is a story behind this glory for each of them.

Deaconess Assanah said her first experience in business was with her mother, selling whatever fruit was in season to bring an income into the home. Even with this in her background, her first business venture intimidated her, and that was when she learnt that she could not do it alone. 

Minister Thompson completed Secondary education with passes in only two subjects, but she did not let that keep her from achieving tertiary qualifications. Today, she holds a postgraduate diploma and a Master’s degree, along with a wealth of knowledge in writing, editing, proofreading, and training while mentoring many young individuals in her sphere of influence.

Minister Pearson had been caught up in the wrong sphere of influence for a short period of her life, which caused her to bury her gift. She revealed that she put aside pride to exhibit God’s excellence. She applied herself to her accounting studies, for which she always had a passion, and is now excelling in the corporate world. 

Mentorship to Other Women

Each panellist happily admitted that they found it necessary to mentor someone according to their respective expertise. 

Deaconess Assanah said, “Once you know how things work, you are responsible for teaching others. Women need to learn from your journey.” Since her sphere of influence is the bank, she advises heavily on money management while sharing motivational books and other content, which has helped her along the way.

Elder Hutson said that as a leader, she always sees it necessary to invest in human capital. One way is by pushing the individual to study anything pertaining to the gift or talent with which God has blessed them. Most importantly, it is essential to walk alongside your mentor.

Minister Thompson focuses on career mentorship, encouraging persons to volunteer and become involved in activities that would help them gain experience. This helps shape an individual, whether as a professional or an entrepreneur. She also implores women not to settle for one income.

While addressing questions about accessing funds, the speakers shared that lending entities such as the Institute for Private Enterprise Development (IPED) and the Small Business Bureau would advise on what is needed to access funding and training to manage a business effectively. Further, aspiring entrepreneurs must ensure they have a reliable banking history that reflects consistent saving and disciplined payment patterns. 

Those passionate about their careers were not left out. The principal tip shared was that studying and higher education are pivotal.

After two nights, the webinar has been quite informative, catering to aspiring business owners of all ages and from anywhere in the world, even those overseas who are interested in starting a business locally.

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