How Then Shall We Live?

How Then Shall We Live?

James1:17 (NKJV)

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation…” – James1:17 (NKJV)

The season of Christmas is here and in anticipation of reaping huge profits from customers; entrepreneurs have already commenced their sales promotion campaign, despite the fact that the world is a bit chaotic presently. 

Research reveals that the British Pound fell to its lowest against the United States dollar since 1985 – Consumer News and Business Channel. The Euro is at a 20-year low against the U.S Dollar – Euro News. The United States had two (2) Gross Domestic Product Quarters – Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S Department of Commerce. This by definition is a recession while China is facing a banking and real estate crisis – In addition, Russia and Ukraine are still at war and there is no sign of it slowing down. Pope Francis has moved all the financial and liquid assets to the Vatican Bank from other Banks – Catholic News Agency, and there’s a global supply issue. These are all signs of a global financial market crisis, and therefore prudent spending of your precious financial resources during the Christmas season is highly recommended. 

Coupled with this, there is evidence of end-time revelation events that have become reality in our world as stated in the book of Matthew 24:21-22 (NKJV). On June 29, 2022, the earth smashed its record for the shortest day having completed a full spin in 1.59 milliseconds less than its standard 24-hour rotation. In 2020, scientists discovered that the earth is spinning faster than at any other time in the last 50 years. Revelation 16:12 predicted the drying up of the great Euphrates River to prepare the way for the kings from the east. The Aljazeera News, quoting Turkey’s meteorological agency data, reported that in Turkey’s southeast, where the Tigris and Euphrates draw their waters, rainfall in the year up to September 2022 was 29% below the average of the previous three decades. Given the foregoing, the question must be asked, “How then shall we live? 

In response to this question, God told the Prophet Ezekiel to inform His people to turn from their wicked ways! – Ezekiel 33:11 (NIV). God has given us the best gift; the gift of salvation. He also gave us His Word, the Bible. He gave us a family, the church. He gave us eternal life, Heaven. He gave us the best, His Son, Jesus Christ. Beloved, my name and your name are on His gift list. He needs us to be witnesses for Him and invite others to partake of His gift. Will you?


Heavenly Father, we thank You that there is absolutely no condemnation in our lives because of Your amazing grace. Thank You for Your gift of salvation. We pray that You would give us the wisdom to manage all our resources during this Christmas season and beyond and be effective witnesses for the advancement of Your Kingdom on earth, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Read: Ezekiel 33:10-11; Proverbs 1:33

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 140:1-5; Revelation 1; Zechariah 9; Zechariah 10; Zechariah 11

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