Ho, Ho, Ho. It’s no Joke, it’s the devil’s Yoke – Part 1

“You shall have no other gods before Me”. – Exodus 20:3 (NKJV)

Beloved, there is the belief that the diabolical one rearranged his name from Satan to Santa and removed the “w” from his claws, and inserted the “u”, thus “Claus”. In so doing, the deceiver has successfully entrapped the world’s children to not only believe that Santa is a toy-bearing, loving, jolly, bespectacled, harmless, plump, portly-bearded old gentleman, but he is a ‘god’ who provides whatever their requests are. 

Added to the cauldron of deception, are Mrs. Claus, the demonic elves, and the chariots of flying reindeer. A video clip entitled, “The Dark Origins of Santa and His Elves”, gave a historical context of the evolution of Santa Claus. The Moabites worshipped the deity of Molech and Chemosh who wore the bridging cap that Santa Claus wears. On this special day, as was their custom, they brought their screaming infants who were born during that year to sacrifice to these idols and placed them on the laps of deities. The priests would stoke a large fire inside the hollow metal of the deities for the sacrifice, while the parents profess their long list of desires to their deities for the coming year.

In today’s world, we do not see parents sacrificing their children to Molech, but we do see them bring their screaming infants and lay them on the lap of a complete stranger, dressed up like the mighty one who they called Santa Claus. The children in the interim screamed their hearts out because they sensed the presence of an unknown. Of course, after a few years, children began to love Santa as the omniscient, deity of prosperity just as how the Moabites looked at the deities of Molech and Chemosh. I am sure this song is etched in our memory, “He knows when you are sleeping, He knows when you are awake, He knows when you are bad or good”

This song depicts the immortality of Santa Claus, whereby he compiles a list of good and bad children. The good children are rewarded with gifts and the bad are punished with coals, reminiscent of the flames of Molech. We, however, are encouraged to be aware of this yoke, it’s heavy. 


Heavenly Father, we take authority over the diabolical operation of the devil to shroud the celebration of Christ in darkness and pray that the light of Christ will shine and impact the kingdom of darkness, destroying principalities and powers, in Jesus’ name.  Amen! 

Read: Luke 8:12; John 13:2; Ephesians 4:27

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 31:10-20; Revelation 18:1-17;

Nehemiah 5; Nehemiah 6; Nehemiah 7:1-3

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