Free to Celebrate

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:31-32 (NKJV)

Every year during this festive season, we have a lot of believers and unbelievers shopping, spending, and making merry their homes for the holidays. This is usually when the ‘debaters’ come out to display the ‘superiority’ of their knowledge, that they know more than the Christmas celebrants. The debates usually surround the notion of the actual birth date of Jesus, the conversion of a pagan holiday into what we know as Christmas, and the scheme of the corporate world to use our emotions to exploit us financially. 

In spite of all this debate and all the information that is made available, the majority of believers around the world continue to make ready their homes for this festive celebration, why? Well, the truth is we cannot speak for everyone, nor do we wish to engage the debaters (there is a place for all of that). However, OUR EXPERIENCE TRUMPS YOUR KNOWLEDGE. The truth has impacted us beyond knowledge – we have a relationship with Him, our Jesus, who said “I AM THE TRUTH”. 

When was Jesus born? This is trumped by the truth that He was born and came into the world to save us all (John 3:16).  Was Christmas originally a pagan holiday? Again this is trumped by the truth that we were once pagans but became transformed by the power and light of the Lamb of God. Are we being exploited to spend money? is trumped by the truth that Jesus is too significant for us to just sit and watch everyone else sing His songs and acknowledge His existence.

Friends, Jesus exists, He was born of a woman in the flesh and lived among us, our Emmanuel! Let the debaters have their day but ensure that nothing or no one robs you of the privilege of celebrating Your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Read: Psalm 144:15; Romans 4:5-6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 150; Revelation 22; Nehemiah 13


  1. Tanya Pyle


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