Word Come to Pass

‘Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My Word.” – Jeremiah 1:12 (NKJV)

The idea and thought of God’s promises take me back 15 years ago. I was a young believer at the time, struggling with my self-esteem and confidence, struggling with my sins and weakness. I was a believer for about two years and I thought that at least by then I should have overcome all of my challenges but that was not the case. Self-doubt was high and I needed answers. I needed to know if God still loved me if He still wanted to use me, I needed to know if I still had a purpose. 

Then, one Sunday in church, a guest speaker preached the Word of God, after which there was a call for those who needed a touch from the Lord. I joined the line leading up to the altar, praying and questioning God. I asked Him, “ Who am I to You?”, “What will become of my purpose?’ among other questions. As I approached the altar I was praying quietly, so quietly that no one close could have heard me. Upon approaching the man of God, he said two things to me that I remember daily; 1) “The Lord said that you are a mighty man of God”, and 2) “You will be a great influence to young people”. These two prophetic utterances impacted me because the first one answered the question I was asking and the second one was unbelievable. Unbelievable because up until that point I did not associate myself much with younger persons and could not have imagined being an influence to young people in any form. 

Siix years later, I am now a youth leader at our church, Sunday school teacher of our teenage class and a missionary worker who ministers the Gospel to youths. Things I never envisioned. Friends, God promised, and it came to pass. I then started to realise that indeed God fulfills all of His promises, I had known it before but now I had experienced it. Now I approach the promises of God only with confidence and assurance, knowing that He will fulfill as He always does. 

Today, I say to you, believe God! Once He has taken the time to make a promise then HE has already taken the time to see it come to pass. 

Read: Exodus 4:31; Romans 4:3

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 1; Matthew 1; Genesis 1; Genesis 2 : 1-17

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