A Promise Fulfilled

“You have kept what You promised Your servant David my father; You have both spoken with Your mouth and fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day.” – 1 Kings 8:24 (NKJV)

God’s promises are written in His Word but He can also make promises directly to us as we will read in the following account of a grateful mother.

“I came to know the Lord after my children were born. As a single mother, I struggled to raise them since I had no support, and wages from my job could barely provide for us. But I was determined to serve the Lord and to see my children do the same. I took them to church with me regularly, and we read the Bible and prayed every day. As they grew, my children all became actively involved in church activities and did well at school. I began to think of their future. We lived in a part of the country that was rural and there were no secondary schools available for children who had completed primary education. Most of the children followed their parents in farming or other such jobs. But I began to pray. I asked God to provide a way that I could send my boys to the city to give them a chance at a better education. I knew that would cost more than I had but I believed in a God who owned the earth and I laid claim to everything I needed to advance their education. I worried about accommodation if they had to attend school in the city since they had never left our home.”

“As they got older my prayer took on a greater intensity. I prayed at midday, at night; anytime. My Pastor prayed and laid his hand on them and time sped on. Then one night the Lord said to me in a dream, ‘You asked me to take care of their education and I have done so’. The next week we had a visit from the Prime minister of our country. He came to the Region on a mission to help his political party win the upcoming elections. There was a public meeting where residents were told about the decision to build a secondary school for the students of that region. The school he said would be opened for the upcoming school year.” 

“My eldest son was one of the first students to enter that school. The other children followed. Today my children are graduates of the university and have professions. A prayer answered and a promise fulfilled.”

I end by saying, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you…” – Matthew 7:7 (KJV).


I love You, Lord. You have heard my voice and my supplications. You have inclined Your ear to me, and therefore I will call upon You as long as I live. Amen.

Read: Psalm 116:1-2; Matthew 7:7-12

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 5; Matthew 5:21-42; Genesis 11:10-32; Genesis 12; Genesis 13 

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