Facing New Challenges

Facing New Challenges

Joshua 1: 8-9 (NIV)

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful…Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  – Joshua 1: 8-9 (NIV)

After the death of Moses and forty years of desert wandering, God was ready to allow His people to enter the promised land of Caanan. Who would the new leader be? The mantle fell on Moses’ assistant, Joshua. Joshua had served Moses faithfully and successfully as a military leader (Exodus 17:13) and a spy (Numbers 14:6-9, 30). The question is, how would he be able to accomplish this? He must be strong and courageous.

Joshua, being trained under command, would have learned to obey. Those who desire to be the fittest to rule must learn to obey authority. Three times God issued this command for Joshua to be strong and courageous (V 6,7,9 ). Verse 7 shows the importance of obeying the Laws of God. Joshua is to make the Law of God his rule. He must meditate day and night. Here, meditation in verse 8 means repeated reading and reciting of God’s Word.

In this world, whatever we have to attend to, we must not neglect the Word of God. Our success depends on it. We can be repeatedly exposed to God’s Word by daily Bible reading or listening to the Bible on audio tape. We must be reminded that no man’s achievement sets him above the Word of God. 

The new leader must encourage himself in the promise and presence of God. God promised to be with him all his life. The first promise assures Joshua that he will experience God’s presence as Moses did. When God interrupted Moses’ sheep tending job in the desert and commissioned him to lead Israel out of Egypt, Moses objected (Exodus 3:11). God replied by saying, “I will be with you.” Now to Joshua, He uses identical language: “I will be with you.” Then He adds further reassurance: “I will not fail you or forsake you.”

When we are called to duty, we have every reason to be strong and bold because He Who anointed us is all-sufficient. He will not abandon us but will surely keep His promise.


God of Moses and Joshua, help me to face today’s challenges with courageous strength because of Your awesome presence. In the name of Jesus. Amen

Read: Job 9:19; Psalm 73:26

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 16; Matthew 18:10-35; Job 1; Job 2; Job 3

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