All Things; Not Some Things

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him….”

Romans 8:28 (NIV)

It is important that we know the power of God and how He uses all things for our good. Some things are difficult to accept initially, but God’s Word is sure and conclusive. God will use all things for our good, but we should realise that not all things seem good. His call upon our lives, however, must cause us to believe He always has good plans for us.

I had a situation recently that caused me to stop and meditate on the verse in Romans 8. After being faithfully connected to my profession for fifty-two years, I was told by my last Director that I should resign. No reason was given. I was unprepared for what I heard, but the Holy Spirit was. I asked for no explanation. I was thanked for my service, and I responded and exited the office. It was difficult to understand at first, but knowing the God I serve and His omniscience, I gave everything to Him. I am thankful that God orchestrated my situation because I am purposefully occupied in ministry to Him. I am presently thankful for the time I have to meditate on His Word and find more quiet time. 

I reflected on the life of Joseph and admired how he found favour in every aspect of his life after being sold into slavery. He continued to submit to the authority of God in every adverse situation. There are seasons in our lives that we must go through, but we must be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that will bring forth fruit at all times. Because Joseph continued to love God, his entire family was provided for during famine (Genesis 45), and an entire nation was fed. God is bigger than all tragedies, failures, disappointments, and false accusations.

Evil does not win; Jesus’ blood redeemed all things. No suffering is wasted work. God’s glory will shine as long as we submit our will to His. Romans 8:29 says, “For God knew His people in advance…”. We will not see everything in this life, but we must believe that the Lamb, Jesus, will bless us at the appointed time.


God, sometimes we don’t understand why adverse situations arise in our lives, but we want to please You in all our ways and obey Your commandments. We believe that You control everything and that Your Word is always final. Help us, as we live to be examples of the fulfilment of the promises written in Your Word. Amen.

Read : Psalm 128:1; Isaiah 3:10
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:1-6; Matthew 21:1-17; Job 19; Job 20; Job 21


  1. Abigail Cutting

    God’s word is blessing and this devotional was a blessing to my heart.

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