The New And Everlasting Covenant

“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah” – Jeremiah 31:31 (KJV)

The fulfillment of the Gospel is called the New and Everlasting covenant. It includes the covenant made by baptism. The Lord calls it everlasting because an everlasting God ordains it, and the covenant will never be changed. 

When we accept the new and everlasting covenant, we agree to repent, be baptised, receive the Holy Ghost, follow the covenant of marriage, and follow and obey Christ to the end of our lives. This change seems to describe an experience like a new birth, and God is taking the initiative. When we turn our lives over to God, He, by His Holy Spirit, reinforces in us the desire to obey Him.

The old covenant, broken by our ancestors, would be replaced by a new covenant. 

Hebrews 8:6 tells us, “But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.” (KJV). It offers a unique personal relationship with God, with His laws inscribed on individuals’ hearts instead of on a stone.  

Today, this covenant is here. We have the wonderful opportunity to make a fresh start and establish a permanent, personal relationship with God. We’re all encouraged by a leader who stirs us to move ahead, someone Who believes we can do the task He has given and will be with us all the way. Jesus is that kind of leader. He knows the future, and His plans for us are good and full of hope. 

Remain faithful and share the blessings and beauties of heaven and earth. Live in His presence and partake of His love, compassion, power, greatness, knowledge, wisdom, glory, and dominion. Let people know God’s not dead and that He loves them.  Be a witness, allowing God’s power and provision to draw others to Him.


Thank You, Jesus, for loving us. Thank You for the Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your angels guarding us and lifting us up; thank You for showering us with your loving grace. And thank You for Your new covenant, in Jesus’s holy name. Amen.

Read: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 37:26

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:43-50; Matthew 25:14-46; Job 40:3-24; Job 41; Job 42

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