Can God Trust You?

“…Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time…” – Genesis 6:9 (NIV)

In Genesis 6-8, God trusted Noah with His plan. The earth had become engulfed with wickedness and debauchery; God was not pleased with this. He was going to pour out His wrath on the earth by sending a great flood. God saw that Noah was a righteous man and chose him to perpetuate the human race after the  flood had removed all of the evil people of that time.

Noah found favour and grace with God,  not because he was an amazing shipbuilder or great animal wrangler. He found grace and favour because God knew He could trust him to carry out His plans. He knew this because of all the people in the land Noah was the only one who adhered to God’s moral standards. Noah operated within the framework of a covenant relationship with God and therefore lived according to God’s definition of right and wrong. This set him apart in a society where everyone lived according to their own standards which their sinful nature dictated.

Being the only God fearing man in a society of wickedness could not have been easy for Noah,  yet he did not follow the sinful crowd.  He kept his eyes on God and remained faithful and obedient. His life and his family’s lives  were preserved because of it. 

Like Noah, we are living in a society that is exceedingly driven by its own moral standards and whose standards may pose a challenge to God’s moral standards. We too, however, should take a page out of Noah’s book and remain faithful and obedient to God; keeping His covenant, despite how difficult it may be. When we do this, it allows God to put His trust in us and even include us in His plans, so that in the end we too can be spared from His final wrath.


Heavenly Father, we come to You today, thanking You for life and for Your never ending grace and mercy. Help us, oh Lord, to keep our eyes on You and put You and Your standards first in everything we do. We thank You for doing it, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Read: 2 Kings 18:5; Proverbs 3:5-6

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 4:10-19; Matthew 26:31-46; Exodus 4; Exodus 5; Exodus 6:1-12

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