The Establishment of His House, Throne, and Kingdom

“Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” – 2 Samuel 7:16 (NIV)

What would be your reaction if a servant of God called you and said, God is going to accomplish something great in your life that would benefit your family? As you ponder your reaction, let us examine God’s Word, where a Messenger of God spoke the Words of God to David (future king of Israel at the time).

David was the eighth son of Jesse of Bethlehem, who was a farmer and a sheep breeder. David’s task was to look after his father’s flock. Samuel, the Prophet, acting on God’s instruction, went to the home of Jesse to anoint one of his sons as the next king of Israel after God rejected King Saul. Jesse presented seven sons, but God chose none. God was more concerned with the heart than physical stature, which caught Samuel’s attention. David eventually arrived from the fields, and the Lord said to Samuel, Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!” (1 Samuel 16:12 – NKJV)Samuel obeyed and anointed David. 

After many years, God established David’s kingdom to rule the nation of Israel. King David wanted to build a temple to honour God, but God told him through the prophet Nathan that his son (Solomon) would build the temple unto Him. God made a covenant with David (2 Samuel 7:12-17), which said that his throne would be established forever through his household.

How does the covenant (promise) relate to Jesus Christ the Messiah? And why is Jesus called the “Son of David”? The genealogy of Jesus plays a fundamental part in the New Testament and the Bible as a whole, fulfilling God’s promise, while many prophecies confirm Jesus’ lineage from David (Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:1-2; Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15 and Matthew 1:1-17). In Revelation 22:16 also, Jesus declared, “…I am the Root and the Offspring of David…” 

The Davidic Covenant God made with King David established his house, throne, and kingdom forever and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Messiah’s Kingdom as the Everlasting Kingdom. And the Apostle Paul declares that we are heirs and joint heirs with Christ in this kingdom. It all began with the heart. What is your heart condition? 

Read: Proverbs 24:3; 2 Chronicles 1:1

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 27:1-6; Mark 9:33-50; Mark 10:1-12; Leviticus 1; Leviticus 2; Leviticus 3

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