God’s Plan for Families

Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…” – Genesis 1:28 (NKJV)

In the beginning (Genesis 1:28 – NKJV), God said, “Be fruitful and multiply …”. In uttering those few words, God gave man power and authority to possess all he needed to succeed and to realise his potential. To this day, that statement conveys the understanding that we should prosper in every way possible – our family, health, relationships, finances, and more than all of these, our spiritual well-being.

As we grow and begin to think of having a family, we must know what we would like to see in our family. We think of where we would establish our homes, the size of our family, where we will work, etc. Similarly, God has a plan for our lives and our families. “I know the plans I have for you,” God says in Jeremiah 29:11. His plans are always better than ours. He knows us and knows what is best for us. His plans speak to our present and our future. And His thoughts toward us are always to do us good (Isaiah 55:8-9).

We read of the lame man who waited by the pool of Bethesda to get his healing (John 5). He waited a long time, and no one helped him into the pool when the water was stirred. He was always too slow. But Jesus came along. The lame man no longer needed to wait for the water to be troubled or to ask for help to get into the water for his healing. Jesus healed him right where he was. Imagine the possibilities that became available for him and his family.  

Abraham pleased God with his obedience to every instruction God gave him, and he was blessed. He was told that through him, all the families of the earth would be blessed. God’s promise to bless many is hinged on the faithfulness of a few. He keeps covenant (promises) and mercy to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9).   

What do you want for your family? Take your plan to God. Believe His Word, and you shall prosper in the things you put your hands to do.                                                     


Father, You said blessed is the man who delights in Your commandments, who mediates on Your Word. Lord, teach me Your statutes and strengthen me according to Your Word so that I might walk in them and make a way for my family to be blessed, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Read: Psalm 112:1; Isaiah 55:8-12Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 30:8-12; Mark 13:1-31; Leviticus 14

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