God’s Love for Families

‘Then He said to Him, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.” – Genesis 15:7 (NKJV) 

God had a plan for Abram and the descendants he did not yet have. Abram obeyed God when he instructed him to leave his family and go to a land God would show him. 

 Abraham came from a family who made and sold idols. But God had Abram’s attention, and he believed God. His trust and belief were credited to him as righteousness. God, therefore, blessed him with riches and later, with descendants he could not number, and through him blessed all the families of the earth (Genesis 17:1-3).

Joshua led the Israelite nation into the promised land after the death of Moses. Toward the end of his life, he gathered the tribes together. He reminded them of God’s goodness in bringing them out of Egyptian bondage and sustaining them throughout the years in the wilderness in spite of their ingratitude. He called to their remembrance God’s promises if they would only be obedient and advised them that he and his household would serve the Lord, but they must choose whom they will serve (Joshua 24:15). Joshua could speak for his family because he understood his responsibility for them.

God has a plan for every family. His plan is always to do us good and to give us hope. It matters not how we see ourselves and our families, whether rich or poor, educated or not, ordered or not; if we ask, God will bring order out of chaos and beauty out of ruin. His plan was in place before we came into being, and His redemptive work took care of our sins even before they were committed. He simply loves us.

Peter denied Jesus three times, despite being told he would. He wept bitterly. But he became one of the foremost apostles declaring the power of God unto salvation. Even when we deny Him, Jesus still loves us. Our sin or disobedience can delay but not derail His plan for our lives. Nothing can stop His love and desire to redeem us. Will you accept Him today? Will you say like Joshua, “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord?” 


Lord, thank You for the family You gave me. Thank You for the plan You are working out for us. Even when we experience disappointments, we know that they will work out for our good. Teach us to be patient and wait upon You as You unveil Your plan for my family, in Jesus’s name. Amen.  

Read: Jeremiah 29:11; Matthew 26:75

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 31:9-18; Mark 14:17-42; Leviticus 17; Leviticus 18

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