Generational Curses – A Fact Not Fiction

Generational Curses and ancestral sin is the doctrine that individuals inherit judgment for the sins of their ancestors (Exodus 20:5; 34:7). Dereck Prince, author of the book “Blessing or Curse You Can Choose” addressed the topic by describing a scenario where two men started out walking side by side. With similar backgrounds and abilities, and each headed in the same direction, one walks in the light of success and fulfilment, while the other scarcely sees the light. The latter is overshadowed by failure and frustration, and his life is snuffed out prematurely. The author,  in his submissions, concluded that neither of these men understood the forces at work in their lives, as the sources of light and darkness were hidden from them. They probably also never considered that these sources originated from previous generations. The Bible refers to these forces as blessings and curses.

Based on Scripture, we were born under the sin of Adam and inherited a predisposition to sin.  The result of this sin, if left unrepentant,  is eternal separation from God. The Good News is that Jesus broke the power of the curse for all who will place faith in Him (Romans 5:17-21).  

Generational curses were referred to in the second of the Ten Commandments, which stated that those who worshiped idols would experience God’s punishment and the iniquity of the fathers visiting the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20:5-6). The most notable curses were documented in Deuteronomy 27:15-26. Various blessings and curses were issued on Mount Gerizim and Ebal, respectively, describing what would happen to those who followed God’s law and those who disobeyed. An example of the curse was the exile of multiple generations of ancient Israelites who lived in exile after breaking the covenant with God.   

Rebecca Brown and Daniel Yoder, authors of the book “Unbroken Curses: Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian’s Life”, stated that curses could be inherited and passed down from generation to generation. They further stated that the sins of our forefathers can have devastating consequences, often resulting in a curse being placed on a family unit or the whole family line. They pointed out that those involved in satan’s service have a good understanding of the importance of heritage, so much so that when a curse is placed on a family, descendants are included. The intention is to destroy the entire family line, not just an individual. This is often the case in some families, where various forms of mental or physical illnesses have been passed down through the generations (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

Family history allows every generation to have an idea of who they are and where they came from. In some instances, however, people know very little about their immediate family history. The situation is much worse for single-parent families who are faced with serious challenges to trace their roots through the generations. The information gives insight into the work they did, accomplishments and dreams, trials they overcame, and curses inherited through the sinful behaviors of foreparents, etc.  

Brown and Yoder noted that “Satan wants the children”! They further stated that “Every parent or grandparent who serves satan or a demon god of any sort has dedicated their descendants to the service of satan”. They also explained that Oaths taken by members of various Lodges contain statements that dedicate their descendants to the service of the Lodge, which is the same as dedicating them to demon gods of the Lodge or satan.

Repeating destructive patterns, such as suicide (over 40% mortality rate per 100,00 in Guyana), incarceration, domestic violence and abuse, etc, result in cyclical familial breakdowns. Identifying these patterns and taking prudent remedial steps could change the course of the trajectory for future generations. 

First Assembly of God Wortmanville’s Pastor and counselor, Loraine Cannings, related an experience of counseling a common law family. Marriage had not been an example emulated for them in previous generations. The religious minister’s intervention resulted in the couple getting married. After they were married, the family began to experience financial success, which they attributed to their step of faith to live under a covenant in marriage. A curse was broken.

We are not mandated to remain under a curse. The redemptive power of the blood of Jesus is the pathway to freedom. Any man who is in Christ is a new creature, and the stripping away of spiritual blindness brings us to the awareness that we could still be operating under curses even as a believer. However, awareness is just the first step. Believers must make a conscientious decision to seek deliverance.

As servants of the Most High God, Jehovah, we must become spiritually determined to break through, for ourselves, our families, and all that pertains to us,  from satan’s evil clutches. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, as born-again believers, we possess the authority to use the name of ‘Jesus’ and his ‘Blood’ to reverse ancestral curses.  

Let’s Pray.

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I superimpose the shadow of the cross over the shadows of generational curses that have plagued my life, knowing that the shadow of the cross falling over my life is more powerful than any other shadow. I believe that Jesus took the curses of sin and death so that I might receive the blessings of obedience to His Word. I am redeemed from every curse. I declare that (name the generational curses) must stop before the shadow of the cross that Jesus raised for our lives and confess that I have received the victory. Amen! 

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