A Believer’s Witness – Part 3

A Believer’s Witness – Part 3

2 Timothy 1:7  (KJV)

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7  (KJV)

On my 40th birthday, I attended the First Assembly of God Wortmanville (FAOGW) Church at L&P Durban Street for the first time. It was a church that I was not too keen to attend before because I thought the duration of the service was too long and the people who fellowship there loved to ‘dress up’.

I remember friends who got married there and who asked me to be their ‘best man’. I would drop off the maid-of-honour at the church door and go to the shop opposite the church to drink beers until the wedding ceremony was over. I would then meet the maid-of-honour at the door and continue the wedding procession. I really don’t know why I had so much dislike for the Assemblies of God Churches in general. 

However, on my first day at this church, where I had many friends who attended and were members; and who had no knowledge I would be visiting, I decided to sit at the back. My intention was to leave before the service was completed. I must admit, I enjoyed the worship session. 

That Sunday, Pastor Massiah preached, and it was related to my life! I sat on the back bench next to the door since my plan was to leave before the end, but I stayed until it was finished. I attended service every Sunday after that. The rest is history. I changed my seat from the back to the middle until I ended up at the front, next to the altar, within months. 

I then decided to prove that God was really using Pastor Massiah to speak to me. One Sunday, he preached from Matthew 9:37-38 which spoke of the harvest and the few labourers, that more labourers were required. An altar call was made for people who are willing to serve. I lifted my head to the heavens and said to God, if it is Your will for me to serve in a ministry, You will have to let me know.  As I opened my eyes, Pastor Massiah, who was standing on the other side of the altar, walked straight over to me and said, “Come, stand at the altar; God wants to use you.” I was convinced that God is real.

I was water baptised within my first year of attending church and began serving in ministry. I have since continued serving God with no regrets. What an awesome God He is. 

Read: Psalm 66:16; Isaiah 43:10

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 88:1-9; Romans 6:15-23; Romans 7:1-6; Hosea 3; Hosea 4; Hosea 5

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