A Believer’s Witness – Part 4

A Believer’s Witness – Part 4

Hebrews 12:1 (KJV

“…and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” – Hebrews 12:1 (KJV)

Upon giving my heart to the Lord, I immediately began serving in ministry. There was no time to waste. I was called, and it was in The Senior Citizens Cub of our church. It’s amazing to see how God was preparing me for this ministry long before I got saved. 

One of my talents is driving, and an NGO employed me to utilise this skill. They had a senior citizens group that met monthly from 16h to 18h. My driving hours were 8h -16h. Thus, as I was leaving, they were beginning. 

At every meeting, two senior women would call me to help serve the elderly. I would try escaping, but I was always seen and made to serve. I was soon tasked with taking the elderly home, along with other colleagues, after the club meetings were concluded. Brethren, it was this same ministry I was placed to lead in the kingdom. The same ministry I was running from in the secular. Amazing God!

Brothers and sisters, serving God is what we are placed here to do. I’m a firm believer after running for so many years. The first book I began reading was the Bible. I remember saying to the Lord Almighty that if I’m going to die, I will do so while trying to read Your Word. I can now read the Bible without fear and trembling. 

The first certificate I received was in the house of God. It was a Diploma in Biblical Studies from the International School of Ministry on the 24th of August 2012 — a programme facilitated by the First Assembly of God Wortmanville Church. I gained the courage and confidence to step out into more academics and chose the computer field. I now have certificates in Windows XP, Microsoft, and other internet-related things. 

My friends, God is real! 


Heavenly Father, I thank You for saving my life and bringing me into Your kingdom. I pray and ask that everyone reading my testimony and who do not know You as Lord and Saviour be touched by You and be brought into Your kingdom as well. I know You desire that none should perish. Thank You for hearing and answering, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Read: 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Peter 3:9

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 88:10-18; Romans 7:7-25; Hosea 6; Hosea 7

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