A Brand New Life

2 Corinthians 5:17

I clearly remember my first Christmas after marriage, everything was new, not necessarily in the sense of being brand new, but rather, everything was different in this environment. I had to make some adjustments after 29 years, which first had to register in my mind and then I took the necessary actions. For the first time, I had to figure out certain things for myself and make decisions. For example, how I will make or acquire the pepperpot and what would be on the menu for Christmas dinner. Of course, at the end of the day, I did not have all that I had previously when I lived with my parents and siblings. Nevertheless, all was well. Everything I needed was available in my new habitation but most importantly love, combined with understanding, made many things possible.

Based on what I shared above, two key words are important to note, ‘new’ and ‘different’. As we navigate the journey of life we must be cognizant of the fact that changes will occur and we must adapt quickly. With this in mind, I want you to know that now is the time for you to make a change. Jesus is always waiting for us to seize the opportunity to experience a brand new life in Him. When we allow Him to take full control of everything that concerns us, we will see the significant difference He makes in our lives. 

At this very moment He is willing to meet you right where you are, everyone needs Jesus, and because of His love for us, He gave His life so that we may have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Read: 2 Corinthians 5: 20- 21

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