A Champion of a Man: Pastor Raphael Jackman Laid to Rest

The fun-loving, all-compassionate servant of God, Pastor Raphael Earl Ewart Jackman transitioned from this earthly life on January 4, 2022. He was the husband of Mrs. Hazel Jackman, father of sons Yaphet and Yohan Jackman, and was loved, respected and cherished by many in and out of the body of Christ. 

Night of Reflections

On Sunday January 9, 2022 over 500 persons gathered virtually to celebrate the life of this beloved man of God, by reflecting on the contributions he made to their lives, as family and friends, and through various ministries of the Church, the community, the workplace, and sports. Reflecting on the life of ‘Pastor J,’ as he was fondly called, many eagerly shared treasured memories of encounters with Pastor Jackman. The wide representation of family, Church leaders and brethren, mentees, former colleagues, and friends was indicative of the type of person ‘Pastor J’ was – a man who was always there, always willing to help and one who always honoured God in everything he did. 

There was an outpouring of love from various individuals and groups from Guyana, United States of America, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, Ghana, Sweden, Barbados, the United Kingdom, France and the British Virgin Islands. Memorable words used to describe Pastor Jackman included ‘Champion,’ ‘a real one,’ ‘passionate,’ ‘humble,’ ‘prayerful man of God,’ ‘mentor,’ and ‘father.’ 

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The Funeral

A moving hybrid funeral service was held on Thursday January 13, 2022, to celebrate the life service of Pastor Raphael Jackman. Hundreds gathered virtually via Facebook and Zoom, and due to COVID-19, a limited number in-person at the First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, to pay their last respects. 

A unique video dubbed ‘Remembering Raphael,’ beautifully produced by eldest son, Yaphet Jackman tugged at the heart strings of viewers. Projected as a movie, the synthesis of photographs and video clips chronicled Pastor Jackman’s life from childhood through his teenage years, involvement in sports, meeting and marrying his charming wife Hazel Jackman, starting his own family, committing his life to God, and ministering in the work of the Lord. Viewers and attendees were then blessed with a stirring rendition of ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness,’ by younger son Yohan Jackman. 

A Servant of the Lord 

Bishop Balram Jadubal, General Secretary of the Executive Presbytery of the Assemblies of God in Guyana, reflected on Pastor Raphael Jackman’s life as a Minister of the Assemblies of God. Noting that he is one that cannot be compared to another. Bishop Jadubal stated, “the late Pastor Raphael Jackman is not only remembered as a good man because if goodness was all there was to his life on earth, then he would have been no better than any other good person. But this man stood head and shoulder above many because he was a righteous and godly man, a servant of the Lord.”

Reflecting on when he met Pastor Jackman 18 years ago, until the time of his death, the Executive Member of the Assemblies of God in Guyana affirmed, “Pastor Jackman’s character was impeccable and unimpeachable and his life can be summarised in reference to 2 Timothy 4:6-8. These verses can be integrated into the tales of his life. He was an ideal husband, a selfless, generous and loving father, an extraordinary man. His entire life was centred on honour and reverence for God, compassion for those in need and faithfulness and love for his family; an icon in his own right.”

Called with all Humility, Gentleness and Patience

Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah, Officiating Minister and Presiding Bishop of First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, who worked with Pastor Jackman for more than 20 years, highlighted many notable things about this servant of God. Bishop Dr. Massiah declared, “Pastor Jackman understood his God given assignment during his time on earth. Raphael’s assignment on earth revolved around serving people and he did that with distinction.”

“The man’s life took on what the apostle Paul was describing in Ephesians 4:2-3, ‘…you have been called with all humility, gentleness and patience bearing with one another in love and with diligence to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace’,” Bishop Dr. Massiah testified of Pastor Jackman’s life. He disclosed that ‘Pastor J’ understood grace since he himself had benefitted from such an amazing gift from God, and bestowed the same measure to all those he met. This made him “the ideal conduit to administer grace to people in the most vulnerable, difficult and complicated circumstances.” 

Sold Out for Christ

According to the Officiating Minister, Dr. Massiah, the gifts Pastor Jackman displayed came from God and was a testament of him being sold out for Christ, and being submitted to God’s will. Further, as a Minister, Pastor Jackman submitted himself to the Assemblies of God in Guyana, and faithfully served the giftings God placed within him. The First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, the community and the nation were blessed to have him.

Concluding his message and reflections of Pastor Jackman, Dr. Massiah observed that, “This man was completely sold out for Christ, that is why he lived the way he lived. He had a big heart, a short man with a big heart. I thank God for his life and I thank God for his memory.”

Attendees were encouraged to honour the life service of Raphael Earl Ewart Jackman, by serving God better. His life, work and ministry was a direct reflection of Christ’s commission to preach His name and to seek and save the lost

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